Chapter 6

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Penny ran through the thick undergrowth of the woods. She had made it a habit of going for a run before breakfast. It was the only time she could think. Between training all day and the snoring of Travis in the cabin, Penny had hardly any time to register her new life. 'My new life' she thought. 'My family doesn't get a new life'

Penny had learned that demigods give off a smell to monsters. They could smell a strong half-blood from miles away. At first she had thought this sorta funny and had cracked a joke about it with Conner, but the more she thought about it the more she was filled with dread. 'That fire wasn't random was it? A monster had tried to kill me." Penny felt that it was her that had brought her family a gruesome death. Maybe I'd showered more? No that probably wouldn't have helped.

She slowed to a walk as she saw back if the hermes cabin came into view. They probably were not awake yet, most of the hermes kids liked to sleep. They had their first shower times today . If they didn't wake up soon they would miss it. She gathered the few clothes she had that were inside her bag and headed to the bathrooms.

When she was clean she brought out her dirty clothes and dropped them off at the cabin. Penny started walking towards the dining pavilion, she saw the strolls crouched behind a boulder. She smiled and walked over to crouch beside them. They were whispering. Something about 'wallet' and 'steal'.

"What are you plotting now" The Stolls hadn't noticed her beside them yet and jumped at the sound of her voice.

"You want in? We can't tell you unless your gonna help"

"Sure. i want in" Penny didn't know what she was getting herself into, but if the Stolls were involved it was going to be fun.

"We're having a contest to see who can successfully steal his wallet first" Travis pointed to a guy chatting with a pretty native american girl. Penny was crouching behind the Stolls, she could see right into their pockets. She used the information the Stolls were currently telling her and bumped into both of them, swiping with their wallets from their pockets.

"You wanna try first Penny? 5 dracmas says you can get it." Penny laughed at Conners challenge. She looked at the victim, he was tall and muscular, like most of the boys at camp. But he was lean like a swimmer and had wind swept black hair. He was also wearing a blue shirt, unlike most people at camp with their bright orange t-shirts. When the girl he was talking to left she knew this was her chance to strike.

"You know, there's more ways than stealing to get someone's wallet" Penny told the brothers and she walked towards the boy. She had both the Stolls wallet in her left hand. Penny walked up to him, he was also standing beside a large rock (why were there so many big random rocks in this camp?). She placed her left hand on the rock, slightly leaning on it to look casual. The boy looked at her, unrecognition inis sea green irises.

"Hey i'll trade you both the Stolls wallets for yours, promise i'll give it back in a couple of minutes." The boy glanced at her hand that was resting on the rock, a smil grew onto his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet giving it to her with no words. Penny took her hand off the rock, leaving the wallets there. She made her way back to the Stolls' very bad hiding place.

"See, told you I could do it." The boys just looked at her shocked. "Conner i think you owe my 5 dracmas now, whatever that is"

"What but... i i i i didnt think youd actually do it!" he stuttered. Travis was now smiling at his younger brothers dept.

"Doesn't matter. Now pay up" Penny reached out her hand to accept her prize. Conner grumbled under his breath and reached for his wallet, which wasn't there.

"My wallet! It's gone!" he patted his other pockets to make sure he didn't mis-place it. This caused Travis to patt for his.

"Mine too" they stood and looked at the ground around them. Penny couldn't hold it in any more and let out a laugh, travis and connor both looked at her.

"Looking for these?" The black haired boy had walked up behind her waving the brothers wallets. They glared at him, but then their glare turned to penny.

"It was you!" they both exclaimed.

"Me? Wow so fast to place blame." Penny said sarcastically. She tossed the boy his wallet and they both laughed. They still glared at the two wallet thieves.

"Wow, I'm not sure whether to be proud or mad." Travis crossed his arms.

"Proud. Definitely proud." Penny was really enjoying this. The boy tossed the wallets back to the Stoll, they scrambled to get them.

"Remember this Stolls, don't you try to steal my wallet again." The boy had a big smile on his face as he walked away, he turned back for a second glance. Penny winked and he turned back around still smiling.

Today penny had sword fighting class, it was her favourite one. She wasn't very good at it but she found it the most interesting. Her best class was archery, she hit the bull-eye almost every time. Conner and Travis couldn't even hit close to the bulls-eye. Most of the time they would accidentally let the arrow fly before getting a chance to aim.

Penny walked to the area early to pick out a good sword first. Most of the hermes cabin didn't have weapons of their own because it was camp rules that you had to be claimed before getting one. She picked out a 2 foot skinny one with a small hilt. She gave it a few swings before walking over to the instructor. The instructor was a different person today, she had curly blond hair and grey eyes; an athena girl. Penny walked over and stood beside conner

"Hello hermes and undefined campers, my name is annabeth. I'll be instructing you guys today since Ben, son of ares, decided to fall into the lava pit." Annabeth sounded familiar to Penny, she'd heard that name somewhere before. They started class off by learning simple strategies and sneaky ways to disarm your opponent. After practising those for 30minutes everyone was already tired. Annabeth called a break and they all sat down exhausted.

"I think my arm is gonna fall off." Conner sat next to her.

"I can cut it off for you, maybe that would be less painful" Penny sweetly replied. Conner gave her a disgusted look so she turned her head to focus on something else. Annabeth's sword caught her eye, it wasn't gold or bronze like everyone else's. It was white like bone.

"Break over now partner up and start dueling" Conner and Travis partnered up like always so this time Penny was left alone. Annabeth walked over to her.

"I can be your partner" Penny stomach dropped, not only was she still the new kid but now she was partnered with the teacher. Double embossing.

"Ok." they got into a fighting stance. Annabeth attacked and quickly had Penny beat. Annabeth isn't amazing with the sword, penny just kinda sucked. She got back up ready to fight again.

"What's your name?" Annabeth asked her.

"Im Penny" Penny started the attack this time and lasted a little longer then last time, but was beaten quickly again. Annabeth helped her up.

"You must be undefined. You dont look like a Hermes kid. That struck a nerve. Everywhere she went people would ask her who her godly parent was, reminding her she still didn't know who her dad was.

"Thanks for reminding me" they fought again, Penny got her in a vulnerable position but annabeth kicked her legs out from under her.

"Watch your stance" Penny got up again, her butt really hurt now. She was mad too. They got in a fighting stance again and Penny let Annabeth attack first. They blocked and deflated for a while before they locked their swords. A surge went through Penny's gut. Sunlight seemed to deflect off of something and momentarily went into annabeths eyes. Annabeth shut her eyes from the sudden light and penny took her chance. She disarmed her and took her sword pointing both of them at Annabeth's neck. Annabeth didn't look scared, more like she was calculating something about Penny.

"Class dismissed" Annabeth said without her eyes leaving Penny's. There was a groan in relief from the other camper as they started to file out of the room. Penny handed back Annabeth's sword and followed the rest of the campers out.

Annabeth was left there pondering. How did light blind her if they were inside in a dimly lit room? 

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