God of diplomacy?

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! Thanks for reading! I hope you like the aesthetics I created to be the cover of this chapter. This is one of the most important parts of the story, so please read it attentively! For the reading of this chapter I recommend two songs: "Too Little, Too Late" by JoJo and "Slipped Away" by Avril Lavigne. PLEASE vote and comment if you like this chapter! Thank you and enjoy. 

Chapter 22: God of diplomacy?

While Jane and Loki remained at Darcy's house, hoping that no soldier would break the windows and try to capture them, Thor walked on the palace gardens with Valkyrie. The gardens had a style similar to that of the Renaissance: a few colorful flowers and lots of green. There was also a beautiful ornamental water fountain in the middle. To not get too nervous, Thor was focusing on the beauty of the place, admiring the nature and trying to forget that Loki and Jane's freedom depended on him. Although Thor had faced much worse situations, he had never had the fate of two people so close to him in his hands. Despite every evil he had done, Loki was always going to be his brother, and he and Jane remained friends after the breakup. If the god of thunder made a single wrong choice, everything could be ruined.

- May I ask what you were discussing with your Valkyries and soldiers? – Thor asked, curious. Brunnhilde mysteriously gazed at him as if she tried to read his mind.

- We were trying to come up with a plan to capture Jane and Loki. Since Jane is not wearing her Valkyrie suit and Loki does not have the Tesseract, we could not track them. – Thor almost shouted "Thank Odin!" at that moment due to his relief. The last thing he needed was hearing that she had found the two before he even had the chance to persuade her. "I hope we find them soon... I can't wait to throw Loki in jail. On the other hand, I didn't want to put Jane in prison, but she left me no choice.", Brunnhilde thought, conflicted.

- Interesting... I thought you were only chasing Loki. As far as I know, Jane is one of your best Valkyries. – the god said, provoking the queen a little. She was not affected by the comment, shrugged and answered:

- She tried to stop me from arresting him and that was an act of treason. I cannot stand to have a traitor unpunished! – Thor nodded. He was afraid Valkyrie would want to put him in jail after the conversation.

- Well, knowing you, I'm sure you didn't come all this way to hear me talking about the meeting. Please tell me what the urgent thing was you wanted to discuss. – the leader asked, crossing her arms, curious. She shot Thor a defiant look and hoped he had a good reason to interrupt her emergency conference. She was running out of time and needed to go back to her meeting soon. Thor took a deep breath and said:

- I'm going to be completely honest: I believe arresting Jane and Loki was not the right decision. – for a brief moment, Valkyrie stopped walking and just stared at Thor, completely confused. She felt like a broken computer trying to process a lot of information at once. The Asgardian wondered if he chose the right words to say.

- Why the hell are you saying that, Thor? Are you crazy?! – she said, angry and wondering if that was a joke.

- Before you start cursing or giving a thousand reasons why you think you are right, please listen. My brother's 2012 version might be one of his worst ones, but he has not done anything wrong so far. Miraculously, he is behaving perfectly and there is no plausible reason to arrest him. – Thor slowly explained without sounding desperate. He could not show any signs of fear since Valkyrie was like a shark: if she smelled blood from a wound, she went for it. No weakness could be shown in front of her.

She rolled her eyes, growled in anger and loudly said:

- For Odin's sake! You know better than anyone that your brother is a professional troublemaker! It's only a matter of time until he messes up again. – Thor sighed since he knew that Valkyrie was right... or better, partially right. There were still essential facts that she was not taking into consideration.

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