All to win a competition

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! I hope you're all ok! This chapter has a little bit more action and I hope you like it. My song recommendation for the reading of this chapter is Parachute by Kaiser Chefs. PLEASE vote and comment if you are enjoying to read Another Life! As always, thank you for reading.  

Chapter 13: All to win a competition

On the next day, Jane woke up and wished she did not have to leave her bed. She was wearing other pajamas since she had to change her clothes her polka dot pajamas got dirty after the fight with Sif in the alley. After one of the most romantic moments of her life, the scientist wanted to escape the extremely uncomfortable part of saying "good morning" to the god of mischief and pretend nothing ever happened. To at least postpone the embarrassment, Jane had her breakfast, left Loki's ready at the kitchen, put on a casual outfit, loosened her hair and went for a walk. She had to think for a while and that could not be done in his company. The woman walked two blocks away from her house and hoped that Loki had not shapeshifted to follow her.

- I can't believe I kissed Loki... That was so insane and amazing at the same time. – Jane said to herself, with agony inside her heart. She tried her best not to think about that romantic moment; however, it was almost impossible.

- Maybe I do care about him, but I wonder if he feels the same for me. – she whispered, feeling like a hand was squeezing her heart.

After having lunch, working with Darcy and buying some orange juice, Jane drove back home. She wished she could avoid having to see Loki and, at the same time, missed him since they were apart the whole day. While she parked the car, he was sitting on the couch while trying to understand how he felt for her. The god wanted to punch himself on the face for thinking about a mortal so much... and actually liking her. "If emotions only make me weak, why do I now feel stronger than I've ever been?", he wondered, upset. On that day, he was wearing one of his sets of casual human clothes.

- I really like her... No, I don't. Isn't she great? I don't know what to think! – Loki whispered to himself, sad with that insane situation. At that same minute, she opened the door and what she predicted happened: the embarrassment. He looked at her, wide-eyed, and she looked at him, slightly gawking as if she wanted to say something she could not remember. Both kept staring at each other without having any idea of what to say.

- I think I will go there. – The two spoke at the same time. They started heading towards the kitchen. Both stopped walking the moment they were going to the same room. Jane looked down and then gazed at Loki again. He bit his lower lip, completely confused. The god of mischief could not understand how she left him speechless so easily.

- Go ahead. – Both said simultaneously. Jane put her right hand on her head, wishing she could disappear and escape that weird situation. Realizing that the human would not say something so soon, Loki took the initiative and tried to end that weirdness:

- You can keep doing what you must. I will be in my bedroom if you need anything. – After saying that, the trickster left the kitchen and went up the stairs towards his room. She sighed and closed her eyes, nervous with that mess. "I need a moment with myself, but I'm going to have a conversation with Loki about last night at some point. Besides, I don't want this silence between us to last forever.", the woman thought.

While she kept the orange juice inside the refrigerator, Loki sat over his bed with arms crossed. Everything he wished was to ask for advice because, for the first time in years, the god of mischief did not know what to do. He was known to be very decisive, always sure of his next move, but that changed after he started getting closer to Jane. One of the reasons why Loki avoided having feelings as much as possible was because he had a hard time dealing with them.

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