Enough is enough

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! Thank you all who have been reading, voting and commenting so far! This chapter is very important, so please read it attentively!!  My song recommendations for this chapter are "Clarity" by Zedd and "Good Girl" by Carrie Underwood (It has everything to do with Lokane!). I hope you like this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment if you like it! Have a great day/evening/night.

Chapter 18: Enough is enough

While Jane drove back home, she could not stop thinking about Erik's cruel and immature attitude. He knew how much that research meant for her but still decided to punish her for making a choice he did not approve of as a father would do to a rebellious daughter. Darcy was also very upset with what happened and left the apartment right after her best friend did it. Erik invited Darcy to keep working with him, but she refused. Jane felt like she was about to burst into tears because despite she had sounded confident in front of Erik when she chose to stay with Loki, deep down, she was more scared than ever. It hurt Jane like a knife having had to choose between her dream job and following her heart.

- I know Loki made Erik suffer, but that was so immature! Who does he think he is to do such a thing to me? – she shouted, wishing she could punch the professor in the face to having removed his money from her research for such a silly reason. Jane thought that Erik was better at separating emotion from work, but it turns out she was completely wrong.

Ten minutes later she arrived at home. After parking her car and picking up her purse, Jane walked towards the entrance and took a deep breath. A part of her was reluctant to tell Loki what had taken place in the Airbnb because she did not wish to talk to anyone at that moment... even with him. Erik's childish attitude made Jane very upset and she had no idea what to do with her life after he withdrew money from her research. There was still the possibility of sending her resumé to more universities, but the Midgardian was unsure of where to send it. She had already sent it to many universities.

Confused and hoping that she would land a job soon, Jane entered her home. She did not see Loki anywhere, which was a relief to her at first because she was not feeling ready to talk about such a sensitive subject. On the other hand, not seeing him made her sadder since, deep down, she really needed someone to talk to. The god of mischief had his flaws, but he was a good listener when he wanted to be and that was one of the things the woman liked about him.

While she walked in the living room and looked from one side to another, Jane said, in a loud tone:

- Loki, I'm home! Where are you? – She received no answer. Although a little worried, Jane sighed and kept walking towards the stairs to go to her bedroom. "I just hope he did not get himself into trouble... or was taken by Valkyrie.", she thought, wondering what could have happened. Jane cared for Loki, she did not want him to be harmed in any way, and the last thing she needed was more bad news.

When Jane started to think her boyfriend disappeared, he emerged behind her. She was beginning to climb the stairs once that happened and her mind was elsewhere, so she did not see him. Realizing that the scientist would not notice his presence so soon, Loki rolled his eyes, then smiled and said:

- Missed me, beautiful? – Jane got scared for a moment, not expecting that the god would be behind her. She shook her head in denial, a little angry with the fact that Loki still liked to scare her sometimes. For a moment, she considered arguing with him; however, Jane was definitely not in the mood for a fight and knew he was only teasing her. In the same minute, she turned to Loki and said, smiling:

- Of course! What about you? – She frowned once she saw that both of his hands were behind his back as if he was hiding something. The god sighed, bit his lower lip, and smiled again. Jane was getting worried about that strange attitude of his.

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