What now?

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! Thanks again for reading Another Life! I've posted a new video on my YouTube channel recently, so if you haven't checked it out yet please do! The link to the video is on my announcements page and the one for my channel is on my description.  I have no music recommendations for this chapter. I hope you all like this part and PLEASE vote and comment if you are enjoying the story!!

Chapter 9: What Now?

The day after one of the most embarrassing moments of her life, Jane scheduled lunch with Darcy to talk things through. She had to speak to someone about how messy her emotions were, and her best friend seemed to be the best person to do so. The scientist changed into some casual clothes, left Loki alone at home, and went to meet her friend at a restaurant ten minutes away from her house. It was not very far away, so she decided to walk to there and, meanwhile, Sif was doing her spying job. As Lady Sif was a very perceptive person, she could tell that the mortal was drowning in anguish based on her body language.

After nine minutes, Jane finally arrived at the restaurant. She got there a minute earlier due to the high speed she was walking, which made the spy's life a little harder. The human was relieved to see that most people in that place were not wearing fancy clothes as it happened in Founding Farmers, so she did not have to feel bad for having put on casual clothes. She was wearing a casual short-sleeved dress with horizontal black and red stripes, light make-up, let her hair loose, and chose to wear black snickers without shoelaces. Darcy smiled when she saw her friend and got up from her chair, giving Jane a tight hug.

- Thanks. I needed this. – Jane said, happy for being hugged. Sif sat by the side of the two Midgardians and made sure that her face was hidden enough.

- Don't mention it. – Both sat down and positioned themselves in front of each other, separated only by the round table between them. On that day, Darcy was without her glasses and was wearing a black blouse, jeans pants, a red beret, and grey sandals. Just like the scientist, she was wearing some bracelets and earrings too.

- I'm sorry for having scheduled this lunch in such short notice. I just really needed someone to talk to. – Jane said, nervous while reminding herself of what happened on the previous night. "Was it the alcohol? I can't understand why I said to Loki that he is on my mind! Now his ego will be greater than ever!" she thought, furious and embarrassed at herself. Darcy shrugged and answered:

- Of course. That's what friends are for. – The mortal smiled and nodded, hesitant to start talking. She forced herself to call her friend for lunch because she knew that, deep down, she needed to hear someone's opinion on her insanely weird situation with Loki. The truth was that Jane only wanted to talk to a person who could convince her that she felt nothing for the trickster.

- Anyway, I'm curious to know what's going on with you. Spill it out, girl! – Darcy asked, smiling and approaching to the human, anxious to hear more gossip. "I bet this is about her new crush...", the woman wondered, controlling herself not to laugh. One of the things Jane's best friend loved the most was gossip, so she always got very excited when somebody she knew had something to say.

- It's Loki again. He is driving me crazy! I don't know what to do about him. – Jane said, with her hands on her face, desperate to find the solution to her problem. Darcy closed her eyes for a second as if she were a fortune teller trying to figure out what to say. She opened them in a few seconds and asked, provoking Jane when finishing her speech:

- Is that happening because you can't stand his habits... or is it because he made his way into your heart? – The mortal gulped with the end of Darcy's question, feeling horrible. She hoped that her cheeks were not red. "He is not in my heart! Why does she keep saying those absurd things?", Jane wondered, confused.

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