Whatever it takes

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! Thanks again for the support! I've made a cute Lokane edit for this chapter's cover and I hope you all like it. For the reading of this chapter, I recommend listening to "Battle Scars"  by Lupe Fiasco and Guy Sebastian. Also, the songs "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem (ft. Rihanna) and "Whatever It Takes" by Imagine Dragons are related to this part of the story. PLEASE vote and comment if you like the chapter! Have a great day/evening/night. 

Chapter 20: Whatever it takes

Almost an hour passed by and Jane still had no idea how she would save Loki. The longer she stared at the iron bars of the prison cells, the more useless she felt. That horrible situation was killing her on the inside. The fact that Loki was furious with her was reason enough to break her and doing nothing was making everything worse. At a particular moment, she started walking from a side to another, wondering what she could do to help the god she liked so much. For a second, she considered asking Thor for help; however, that would be impossible since he was on another floor of the castle. If the scientist shouted, hoping that the god of thunder would listen, it was very likely that she would call too much attention of the guards. Any mistake Jane made could destroy any hope there was for Loki and her to escape.

- This is it. This is how I end, how Loki ends... - Jane whispered, controlling herself not to cry. "I wish Loki could have finished what he started saying... that he loves me... Loki was so upset that he could not even say it!" the warrior thought, with a broken heart.

For a moment, Jane thought that everything was lost, that she and Loki would go rotten behind those bars. She even started to wonder what could have happened if she had never agreed to receive Loki in her house in the first place. When Jane sat down and put her hands on her face, ready to cry again and whine, an idea came to her mind. That could go horribly wrong, but she at least had to try.

- Hey! Come here for a second, please! – the woman shouted to one of the prison guards. To her surprise, the man came to her quickly. Jane knew that any move she did wrong could ruin everything, so she took a deep breath before saying or doing anything. The scientist also tried to look confident, but not too much since prison guards hated naughty prisoners.

- What do you want, miss? Be quick. – the man said, getting close to her cell. Jane was about to say something but changed her mind once she realized that it could backfire. An even better opportunity appeared when two prisoners started fighting in the jails in front of her.

- Those two are fighting and I fear it will not end well. Could you please do something about it? – after hearing that, the guard answered:

- Of course. I can't take those stupid bandits anymore... - when he slowly turned his back to move towards the prisoners, Jane discretely grabbed the keys and taser from behind his pocket. She sighed in relief for succeeding and considered doing a victory dance; however, she was running out of time. There were three keys around the metal circumference she held. While the guard angrily talked to the prisoners, Jane tested one and it did not work.

- No! Don't do that to me, little key! I will get out of this place with Loki... whatever it takes. – Jane whispered, angry and worried. She tried to open the cell with the other key and it worked, so she kept the keys in her bra and then left it running. With the taser on her right hand, he ran as fast as possible. Afraid to go in the wrong direction, she looked at a sign to make sure she was heading East, where Loki was. The prison floor was divided into North, South, East and West. The warrior was in the South part, so she would have to run fast if she wanted to reach the god of mischief.

When Jane was in the middle of the South prisons, an alarm went off and many red lights started to flash on the corridors' ceilings. The sound made her feel as if her ears were being burned since it was deafening. Desperate, she started running even faster and looked from side to side, making sure that no guard would see her. At a certain instant, the Midgardian saw five guards running in her direction, so she backed off to a corner on her right. After successfully avoiding being caught, Jane kept running towards the East.

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