In chains... again

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! Thanks for your support! Today is the first time I post a chapter and a video on the same day. The link to my new video, which is with the song "Legends Never Die" featuring Joker, Loki, and Darth Vader, is in an announcement on my home page. PLEASE vote and comment if you enjoy this chapter! My song recommendations for this chapter are "Grenade" by Bruno Mars and "Take a Bow" by Rihanna. This chapter is a very important part of the story and I hope you enjoy it!  

Chapter 19: In chains... again

On the next day, Valkyrie woke up very happy that she triumphed in Loki's capture on the previous night. Although furious with Jane, she would not let that issue get on the way of her joy. She drank a bottle of whiskey to celebrate and was feeling like the most accomplished queen of the Nine Realms. On the other hand, Jane was upset because she spent the night in a prison cell, which was very far from Loki's... and the monarch had done that on purpose. Her intention was to avoid that Loki would see that his girlfriend was also imprisoned and there was an extremely cruel reason behind that decision. While Jane looked at the prison bars and controlled herself not to cry, two guards came to her and one of them opened the cell. The Midgardian immediately stood up, wondering if the queen had changed her mind about the arrest.

- Ms. Foster, the queen has requested your presence. You are coming with us. – the guard on the right said, with a stern expression on his face. Jane sighed and bit her lower lip, trying not to imagine what Valkyrie had prepared for her. It could be from a simple conversation to physical torture. The woman knew that Brunnhilde could be violent sometimes and that made her desperate.

- Alright. It's not like I have anything better to do anyway, right? – Jane said, shrugging and trying to break the ice. The guards did not move a single facial muscle, leaving her a little upset. "I don't know why I expected they would laugh after hearing what I just said," Jane thought, feeling stupid. After leaving the cell, Jane followed the guards and was making her best not to show her fear.

When she arrived at the throne room, instead of bowing as always, Jane stared at Valkyrie with anger. Just the thought of Loki suffering in jail was enough to make her furious with the queen. Breaking Jane's expectations, Valkyrie did not stand up neither walked towards her. The Asgardian was not showing any kind of anger, sadness, or disappointment. All that the human could see on the queen's expression was pure disdain. It was written all over Brunnhilde's face that, at least at that moment, she did nothing but despise Jane. Showing disregard might as well be a way of hiding her real emotions, but the scientist could not tell if that was the truth.

- Where is he? – Jane asked, almost yelling because of her rage. The queen did not immediately answer and had a cruel smirk on her face, enjoying the warrior's agony. "If she only knew what awaits her...", Valkyrie thought, a little excited to make Jane miserable.

- Where did you put Loki, you monster?! – the scientist insisted, in a louder tone and walking towards the queen. The guards held the human by her arms, stopping her from doing Valkyrie any harm. Jane thought that insulting the queen would provoke some emotion on her, but nothing happened. Brunnhilde just stood up and said, still smirking:

- Don't worry. I will let you pay him a visit later. – after saying that, the queen made a signal, and the guards brought Jane back to her cell. After they left the throne room, Valkyrie decided to go to where Loki was being kept captive. Jane was not aware of Brunnhilde's intentions; however, the former was pretty sure that the latter was up to no good.

While the queen was on her way, Loki woke up on his jail. He tried to stand up but realized something was preventing him from moving freely. Intrigued, the god looked back and saw that his hands and feet were tied by chains that were connected to the wall. The strings were relatively long, so he could move a little around the prison cell, but if he moved to much, the chains stopped him from going too far from the wall.

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