Birthdays and Pizza

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"Do you think they've remembered?" Jonny said as we walked down the drive. Of course they remembered. They've planned this whole thing. Well, I say they. I really mean me and Jackie.

"I'm not sure." I shrugged my shoulders as I rang the doorbell.

"Happy Birthday, Jonny-boo!" Jackie serenaded Jonny with kisses.

"I don't think they forgot." I smiled.

"Alright Mom." Jonny groaned. "Did you seriously decorate the whole house?" He said as he looked inside. Banners were up, and balloons had been sellotaped to the wall.

"Yep. With a little help from Esme, of course. She bought the things, I just had to put them up." Jackie explained. I smiled at Jonny as we walked into the house. Jonny headed for the living room, but I pulled him into the kitchen.

"One more surprise." I said as I lead him to the box on the table. I opened it and saw Jonny's face light up as he saw the cake inside it.

"You got me a cake?" He asked.

"No, I made you a cake." I laughed. I put the lid back on as Adam came in and started beating up Jonny.

"Pusface! Get off me!" Jonny grunted as he tried to push off Adam.

"Birthday Beatings!" Adam yelled.

"Boys! Get off him, Adam! Oh, Jonny-boo. Have you shown him the cake?" Jackie asked me.

"Yeah. We're ordering pizza tonight as well." I told the boys.

"Hopefully we aren't going to be bothered tonight either." Jackie said.

"Let's go sit in the living room so we can give you your presents." I grabbed his hand and lead him into the living room.

*** in the living room ***

"You guys didn't have to get me these things, you know." Jonny said.

"Nonsense! It's your birthday!" Jackie said. I felt a sharp pain and winced.

"Are you okay?" Jonny whispered. He obviously noticed it.

"I'm fine." I smiled. "Have you enjoyed your birthday?" I asked him.

"It's been brilliant." He smiled back.

"Pizza's here!" Adam said as we all got up to go to the door.

"Hello all!" Jim exclaimed.

"Hi Jim." We all answered with half the enthusiasm.

"Who's birthday is it?" Jim asked.

"Mine, Jim." Jonny answered him.

"Happy Birthday, Adam." Jim said. We stood in silence. No one bothered correcting him.

"Jim, we're sort of busy." Jackie said.

"Ahh. I'll be on my way. Also, there is a man walking down your drive with a box." Jim told us.

"The pizza!" We all said with a lot more enthusiasm.

*** dinner ***

"This is delicious." Martin said. I felt the sharp pain again.

"Are you sure everything's alright?" Jonny asked me. No one had heard him.

"Everything's fine. Just enjoy your birthday meal." I smiled.

"So, Adam, when will we meet your girlfriend?" Martin said.

"What? How do you know?" Adam said, surprised.

"Your phone." I said, eating more pizza.

"Oh, bloody phone. Why haven't you been freaking out Mom?"

"I don't always freak out. I freaked out when I found out, but I'm calm about it now." Jackie said.

"Don't you want to know all about her?" Adam said, almost offended.

"No. I already know all about her when Jonny found her Facebook. She's lovely, Bobble." Jackie said. Adam seemed really confused about Jackie's behaviour. I felt the sharp pain again and this time everyone but Martin noticed.

"You alright, Esme?" Jackie asked, confused.

"Fine. Pizza was hot." I made an excuse.

"You're not eating any pizza. Your plate is empty." Adam continued.

"It was a delayed reaction." I said. I felt the pain again.

"Seriously, what's wrong? You've been doing that all night." Jonny asked, worried.

"I think my water just broke." I smiled weakly. Jackie seemed excited whilst Jonny was nervous and excited and Adam was just nervous. Martin hadn't realised.

"What are we still doing here then? Let's go to the hospital!" Jonny said.

"I don't want to ruin your birthday, though. I'm sorry Jonny."

"Don't worry! This is probably going to be the best present ever." He smiled.

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