Flashbacks and Beginnings

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A/N: This is a flashback to when Jonny and Esme started dating.

"Hiya, Jackie! I brought you some flowers, just to say thanks for letting me come to your weekly Friday night dinners." I smiled and handed Jackie the flowers.

"Oh, they're lovely! Thank you, sweetheart!" Jackie went to put the flowers in a vase as I put my coat and shoes away. I heard a knock on the door, and realised Jackie hadn't heard it. I decided to open the door, and saw Jonny. Between him and Adam, he's probably the closest to me. We always team up to pull pranks and trick Adam.

"Hi, Jonny." I said. It was kind of awkward, and finally Jonny just smiled.

"Hi, Esme. Adam here yet?" He asked me.

"Oh, I don't know. I arrived a couple of minutes ago." I chuckled. We stood in the hallway in silence for a couple of seconds.

"So I-"

"I heard you-" We both talked over each other at the same time.

"I'm going in the kitchen." I pointed to the kitchen as if this wasn't his childhood home. I walked into the kitchen quite quickly and saw the flowers I had given Jackie.

"Mom's gone out and brought even more flowers. I think the woman has an obsession." Jonny said.

"Actually, I brought them. As a thank you for having me every Friday night." I smiled.

"Ahh, right. Glad you do come." Jonny took me by surprise.

"Wait-what?" I said. "How come?" I asked him.

"You're funny and kind and that. Oh, and you help me with pranks." I looked at Jonny. No. No way. I am not going to have a crush on him. Nope. Not happening.

"Oh, well, thanks."

"Hello, bambinos- or, bambino. Hello, Esme." Martin walked in topless.

"Hello Martin. Did you want me to take the magazines now or later?" I whispered the last part.

"Uhhh, now. Jonny, you help Esme, I'll distract the wife." Martin ran off to find Jackie whilst me and Jonny ran into the shed.

"Why are you doing this for him?" Jonny asked. Secretly, it was so that I could fit in more, but I couldn't tell Jonny that.

"Felt bad, I guess?" I made up. I went to reach for a box, and accidentally knocked another box. It started to tilt, and fall, which would've hit me if Jonny hadn't moved me out the way. I didn't realise he was still holding onto my waist until after the box had made a loud noise. I looked at him to see if he was laughing, but instead he was looking at me. He leaned in and kissed me, and surprisingly I didn't pull away.

"Well, that was certainly a greeting." Adam said as he stood at the door.

"Yeah, no, Adam I have a boyfriend, Jonny was just thinking this was a good way to teach me." I lied. Adam looked at us weirdly and walked back into the house.

"Seriously? Do you have a boyfriend?" Jonny looked at me.

"No, you idiot. I didn't want Adam knowing. Plus, have you seen me? I'm surprised that all that just happened to be fair." I chuckled.

"I did that because I think I like you, Esme." Jonny smiled.

"I think I like you too, Jonny."

*** flash forward to now ***

"That's how we happened, I guess." I explained.

"Wow. That's so romantic." Jackie said.

"Can't believe you've just bloody snitched on me and my magazines!" Martin yelled.

"I thought you threw them in the fire afterwards anyways?" Adam said.

"Oh. Oh yeah. Sorry Esme." Martin smiled.

"And now you're getting married. Time flies by too quickly!" Jackie smiled. Jonny put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned on his.

"I can't believe I fell for that lie." Adam whispered.

"I can't believe it either." I smiled at Adam.

A/N: Sorry this one was quite short, I just wanted a flashback chapter :)

Also, if you see some chapters like marriage and illnesses pt 2 just ignore, I published them then unpublished them as I wanted to do more chapters inbetween them. All will make sense throughout the next chapters if you do happen to see them, however.

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