Cramps and Bathrooms {part two}

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"The ambulance will be here in fifteen minutes." Jackie said.

"Fifteen? Oh god." I groaned. "I'm sorry Jackie, that was the period talking." I apologised. Jonny was still helping and comforting me. "Is it just me or is the light getting darker?" I asked.

"The light's fine." Martin pointed out.

"No, no, no, Esme, you need to stay awake." Jackie hurried over to me.

"Awa-awake? What do you mean? I'm-I'm not tired?" I managed to say.

"Sit on the floor, Esme. Jonathan, get on the floor with her and help me make sure she doesn't pass out." Jackie ordered. We heard keys in the door, and watched as Jackie's mother freed us from the bathroom.

"What on earth is going on in here?" Nellie said. Everyone ran out, whilst Jonny helped me up. He put his arm around me as we walked into the living room. The doorbell rang, and Jackie ran to the door.

"No, Esme, you've got to stay conscious. Esme. Esme?" I heard Jonny say as everything went dark.

*** in the hospital ***

I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar room.

"Not to be cliché or anything, but what happened and where am I?" I asked. I startled them, as they obviously hadn't seen me wake up. Jonny ran up to my bed, and smiled.

"You're in the hospital, love." Jackie explained as she walked up to me.

"Turns out it wasn't period cramps after all, it was appendicitis." Martin said, as if to prove to me that periods aren't as bad as we make them out to be.

"Appendicitis? Wait, so- have they took them out?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm glad you're okay now. You scared me." Jonny smiled.

"Wait- can you call someone in?" I asked Jackie. Obviously using the wrong choice of words. I scared them all again.

"Why, what's wrong?" Jackie said.

"Nothing! I'm sorry, I should've phrased that better. I wanna ask if I can keep them. Apparently you can, and that would be pretty cool." I smiled.

"You're so weird." Adam laughed.

"We can ask them later." Jonny said.

"Cool. I'm sorry. I've ruined dinner." I looked at Jackie. " I should've just stayed home."

"Don't worry. This is probably one of the more normal Friday's we've had." Martin chuckled.

"Oh, remember when Jim almost drowned you?" Adam remembered.

"That was scary. Or when Jonny almost broke his neck when you buttered the floor?" I said back to Adam.

"See? This was normal!" Jonny said.

A/N: Sorry the second parts are much shorter than the first part. I'll try and make them longer!

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