•Chapter 12•

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Date:January 14, 1982
Time:6:45 a.m.

[Canada's POV]
*Yawns* a beautiful day to eat maple syrup for breakfast and I will totally freak out when it's weekend, I just wish it doesn't happen too fast,

I just brushed my teeth, getting prepared and go down that's pretty simple right,

"Canadian boy what is in your mind right now?"Said Switzerland that made me snap out

"Nothing much, so please don't tell me that Hungary hid my maple syrup"I said

"Not today~"Switzerland said

"Now mates, today the visitors wanted to stay here for a week, the announcement said,"Finland said sitting on the couch while we were making a bad luck face

"Don't worry, Olivia left so everything will be fine,"Finland said and understand what we meant

"Now we better get early for school today"Belgium said

"But I haven't eaten my maple syrup yet,"
I said sobbing

"Oh please, sweets aren't allowed at breakfast,"Hungary said dragging me out of the dorm

"I haven't eat breakfast yet too,"I added

"U can eat at school recess,"Hungary said and continued dragging me out of the dorm

We went out of the dorm and go to class and my class is pretty much boring; language is my class

"Okay class today we will learn
(insert a lesson) for today so just sit and listen to your teacher now,"The teacher said and we all sat on our chair

[Time skip]
At lunch

"Huh, time to eat my pancake with maple syrup now,"I said as I went to my table with my friends

"So maple syrup again?"Netherlands said

"Maybe again,"I said

"I knew it!"Japan said just like how Naruto said

"Why can't u try new food than just your pancakes then?"Netherlands asked

"I had enough with my favourite food,"I replied

[Philippine's POV]

"C'mon Ukraine just confess your feelings and that's it,"I said begging

"Well it's not the time,"Ukraine said blushing

"Canada is just a few meters near u,"I said teasingly

"Stop it already,"Ukraine said blushing more on her face

"Ayiee"I said teasing her

"Hey guys what are u talking about?"
Belarus came

"Ukraine will confess her feelings to someone,"I whispered to Belarus

"Oh my god, my sis will have a boyfriend~"Belarus said teasingly

"I am not confessing my feelings to someone, plus-"Ukraine said as she heard our conversation

"Who's the nation will Ukraine confess?"
Belarus cut Ukraine's Sentence


"My imagination exactly"Ukraine cut Philippine's sentence

"The truth?"Belarus said waiting for her answer

*ring*the bell ringed

"Awe too late maybe next time,see u at class"Belarus said

"Why did u tell her like that,"Ukraine said

"Oops sorry, I thought if I told u right on time then she will support u on making u and your crush closer and closer until you guys are a thing now, u know siblings support each other,"I said explaining

•𝚁𝙴𝚄𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙴𝙳•𝙿𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂•[HAITUS]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ