•Chapter 15•

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Date:January 19, 1982
Time:1:19 pm

[Philippine's POV]
It's just a normal day and I just played my game as my last match

"God! Tell me why dis (even its old tho) is so addicting,"I said to myself

"Maybe I should check on what my brother packed for me"I said and looked at my luggage

"The picture of us together, aww"I said once I saw the picture

"My earphones that I've been looking for years!"I shouted hurray once I saw my earphones

"And.... the picture of mama and papa and us together..."I said and gave a soft smile

"I think kuya del packed this because he would send me some letter for my own good.... Wait"I said once I saw two letters

The first one said:

"Dear pearl,
I hope you're safe there, I'll be always there for you, if anything happens, I'm sure you'll able to solve that problem of yours,

From your brother,

"Huh, a small reminder with a bright meaning"I said and looked at the other letter

"Dear Philia,
You must be having fun there huh,
Ours has the best food you'll ever love, char!
I didn't mean to right a letter but your 'kuya' forced me or he will hit my head on purpose soo.....
From your kuya,

"Haha"I said and laughed at the letter

*knock knock*

"Come in"I said

"Hi Philia"Israel said

"Ah, Israel hi what brings you here"I said

"Oh nothing, we were wondering on what were you doing inside your room"Israel said

"What do you mean 'wondering'?"I asked

"Well you were kinda noisy, sorry if it's offensive"Israel said and sat beside me

"Oh no, I was just too happy that I found my earphones, silly me"I said

"Haha, you must have lost it everywhere"Israel said

"I wish I could bring my guitar..."I said

"Well we could bring stuff here"Israel said

"Even guitar?!"I said

"Mhmm"Israel said and gave a soft smile

"Aweee, sayang naman..... only if I knew then"I said

"Yea, that's quite sad... Well if you really wanted then go ask to mexico, he brought a guitar and playing it now"Israel said

"Ah really?"I said

"Yes you can really"Israel said and laughed

"Thanks Israel"I said and thanked him

"Yea I'll be out here"Israel said and went out

"Hmm. I'll go to Mexico"I said and decided to go to Mexico

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