Prologue: Any Worse

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August 27, 1967

"Donna, I'm sorry."

"He's...what?" The whole world around me shut down. The walls surrounding me felt like they were closing in. I didn't know what to say and I didn't know what to do.

My hand immediately shot down to my stomach when I felt a little nudge inside of me. I whimpered and sat down on the arm of the couch.

For a moment, neither of us said anything.

"Do you need me to send for John, love?" asked Peter.

"No, no, he...he's already coming back." I paused as the news continued to sink in. "Oh my God, Peter, what am I going to do?"

"I'm so sorry," he repeated.

All of a sudden, there was a sharp pain that shot straight from my head to my toes, followed by a bout of unbearable nausea.

"I gotta go," I managed to choke out and hung up the phone as fast as I could, rushing towards the bathroom. I felt like I was going to die. The walls continued to swirl around me and I had a quick flash of memories zip by at dizzying speeds.

I collapsed on the floor in front of the toilet, throwing up as soon as I hit the ground. I was a mess: a mix of sweat, vomit, and tears. I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't know how I could go on.

If things couldn't get any worse, I felt another rush of pain and felt liquid running down my leg. My blood ran cold.

"Oh, fuck," I said aloud.


Welcome back to the final installment in John and Donna's crazy lives! Strap in tight because this is going to be a huuuge rollercoaster. Be ready to smile, laugh, cry, scream, and whatever else you do to show emotion😂

You'll get updates here every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. :)

I have a feeling you might hate me a little bit by the time this is over bUt it will have a satisfying ending...even if the journey there is a little infuriating😉

Love you all, thanks for coming back!


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