Wedding Plans

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"So December 16 is the day we're going for, then?" Laine asks, staring at the computer screen and running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, if you think that will work for your family," I tell him, and he shrugs.

"We don't plan anything that far ahead. It works for your cousins too?" he says.

"It does. I had Sophie, Priyanka, and Danielle send me their schedules too in order to make sure they can go, and the 16th works for them too," I say.

"Okay, that sounds good then. We should probably send out invites sooner rather than later though, so that everyone RSVPs before something else comes up. It's already mid-November," Laine says, and I nod.

"I can work on those. What was the venue name again?" I ask him, since he picked it in the first place.

"Los Angeles Cathedral. It's pretty well known, so I'm sure everyone will recognize it," Laine says, and I look it up.

"Nice, okay. I'll work on the invitations, and then I have to pick the bridesmaids dresses," I say.

"Who are you going to ask to be bridesmaids?" Laine asks me.

"Probably a few of my oldest friends, and I was thinking about asking Priyanka, Danielle, and Sophie," I say.

"Do you think Kevin, Joe, and Nick would want to be groomsmen?" says Laine.

"I'm sure they would. But only if you want them to be, of course. They wouldn't want you to feel obligated," I tell him.

"I'll ask them to be. We're pretty close now, after going on tour," he laughs, and I agree.

"And you'll ask Kyle, probably? Who else?" I ask.

"Yeah, Kyle will have to be best man. And Micah and Trent will have to be in it. That's probably it though," he says.

"Do you think Brittany would want to be a bridesmaid?" I ask Laine.

"I'm sure she would be delighted if you asked her to be," he says, so I decide I will.

I work on the invitations for around two hours, while Laine calls Kyle to ask if he will be best man. Then, he calls Micah and Trent, asking them to be in the wedding, before moving on to Joe and Kevin.

"They're all good to be in it. I'll probably just ask Nick in person when I drop you off," Laine says, and I nod.

"Sounds good. Look at these invitations and tell me if you like them," I say, turning my laptop so he can see them.

 Look at these invitations and tell me if you like them," I say, turning my laptop so he can see them

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"It looks really nice! I like the aqua around the outside," he says.

"I think that's the color I want the bridesmaids dresses to be," I tell him, and he nods appreciatively.

"That would be really pretty," he says.

With that, I spend another hour looking up dresses, finally settling on some nice looking ones with clear tulle on the top and aqua tulle making up the rest of it. Then, I call Brittany and Danielle, getting yeses out of both of them, before Sophie, who agrees to be my maid of honor, and a few friends from school. I'll ask Priyanka later, when I get home, because I'll see her then anyway.

"So all the planning is done then?" Laine asks.

"Nope. We still have the food to figure out," I tell him, and he groans.

"How did I forget the most important part? Joe would be so disappointed in me," he says, and I laugh.

"Yes, he would," I tell him.

Our final decision is to just have a buffet instead of doing courses like Nick did, because it'll be a lot less complicated for everyone involved. And we're just going to do a simple chocolate cake, because hey, we don't need anything fancy.

"This way, everyone can just grab what they want and we don't have to deal with it," Laine says.

"Works for me. It'll keep Joe quiet too," I say, and Laine smirks.

"You're right. Although, knowing him, he'll have something to say about it anyway," he says.

"Probably," I agree.

"What about guests? I want my parents to come, obviously, and my niece and her family. Maybe a few people from when I was on Idol. Ryan Secrest, Bobby Bones, Luke, Lionel, and Katy as well, since we got close over the two seasons I was on the show. Their spouses will obviously have to come then. And Micah's family, and Trent's family. I think that's all," Laine says, listing people off.

"Yeah. Well, obviously my Aunt Denise, Uncle Paul, and Frankie. My friends Holly and Noel, the ones I asked to be bridesmaids, I want their parents to come. Kevin Hart, he's cool, maybe I'll invite him. We've been close with the Hemsworths for a few years, and the Watts. Should I send an invite to Aaron Judge, just for kicks? And Alena and Valentina have to be the flower girls!" I say, the new idea just popping into my head.

"Aww, yeah, that would be cute," he says.

"But other than that, I can't think of anyone else to invite. We've got my cousins, their family members, some friends, your family and friends, I think that's about it," I say.

"Yeah, I can't think of anyone else either. What should we have as our first dance song?" he asks.

"Born To Love You? It's a LANCO song, just like Greatest Love Story, but since you sang Greatest Love Story to propose-" I start.

"I love that idea! That's a great song, too. Perfect for a first dance," he says, and I beam.

"Well, that settles it then!" I exclaim.

"We just planned our wedding," Laine says, grinning at me.

"Looks like we did!" I say excitedly. This is really happening.

"I can't wait. When are you getting your dress?" Laine asks.

"No idea. But you won't see it until the 16th no matter when I get it," I tell him sternly, and he looks jokingly dejected.

"Dang. Fineeee," he pouts, and I laugh.

"Sorry," I tell him and he smiles.

"Better be. Well, we should probably get going, because I still have to ask Nick," Laine says, and I nod.

When we get home, Laine walks me to the door as always and, when invited inside, quickly asks Nick to be a groomsman.

"Dude, of course! That'd be great!" he says, and Laine looks elated.

"Awesome. I'm really looking forward to it. Well, have a good night, guys," Laine says, kissing me quickly before heading out again.

"And Priyanka, will you be a bridesmaid?" I ask once he's gone.

"Yes! I'd be delighted," she says, beaming, as I give her a hug.

"Thank you!" I say, and she smiles once more and heads back to the living room, resuming the show she was watching when we arrived. Nick makes to follow her, but I stop him.

"Nicky, can I talk to you a second? Upstairs?" I ask him quickly, and he looks at me a little concerned, but nods and follows me to my room.

"Everything okay?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah, great actually. Nicky, I just wanted to ask you, and it's okay if you say no, but, well, since my dad, you know...will you walk me down the aisle?" I say, looking at him expectantly.

"Are you serious?" he asks, his jaw almost on the floor. I'm surprised to see his eyes go a little misty. "Harper, I'd be honored to," he says, bear hugging me immediately.

"Really?" I say, feeling tears burn in my own eyes now.

"That would be the greatest thing ever. I would love to," he says.

"You are the coolest. Thank you, Nicky," I tell him, and he beams at me.

"No. Thank you, Harper."

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