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All four of us spend the night in Nick's hospital room, and in the morning, after a final check when he wakes up, he is released. Everyone is in good spirits as we head to the parking lot, especially Nick; he and Priyanka hold hands and swing them back and forth as they skip to Nick's car. Joe and I are doubled over from laughing when we finally reach the three cars, and Kevin just grins and shakes his head at the pair of them. It has finally sunk in that we start wedding prep today, and they are on an emotional high.

"So I was thinking we all help you move your stuff to our house. That way it will go quicker, and the lovebirds can get to their wedding problems," says Kevin, and I nod, grateful for the extra help.

I ride with Joe to my house, mostly to give Nick and Pri some alone time as a couple since they'll be seeing a lot of me from now on, but also because I want to DJ and Joe is the best person to blast music in the car with.

"Play some upbeat stuff. I'm feeling it right now," Joe says, sliding on his Aviators and rolling the front two windows down. I press play on Fastlife as he speeds out of the parking lot.

"I don't really know what you're thinkin', but I know what we're drinkin', let me put your night in drive. Cat walkin' on the runway, trippin' long on the highway, going home is only right, yeah.." he sings, one hand out the window and one on the top of the steering wheel.

"Can't see nothin' but blurred lines, hey hey hey," I sing.

"Acting like it's your first time, hey hey hey," he scream-sings.

"Girl, I'm done with these games. And you need to get in my lane," I say, trying to sing louder than him.

"PUSHING IT TO THE RED LINE, HEY HEY HEY," he says, clearly winning the volume contest, then motions for me to skip to a different song. "More upbeat. Something chaotic."

I shrug, scrolling through my Jonas playlist before settling on an old favorite. It's the most upbeat song I can think of at the moment, so I hit play, and immediately I know I made the right decision as the backing track for Live to Party blasts through the speakers.

"There we go!" Joe yells, preparing to sing. "I was sittin' at home, watchin' tv all alone! I'm so tired of reruns, I've memorized this show. So I pick up the phone, call everyone I know! Say there's gonna be a party, hit the music, here we go."

"You gotta live to party, bust your move! Everybody's in the groove! Tell the DJ to play our song! Are you ready to rock and roll? Hey! Hey! Hey!" we screech together.

I switch the song to One Man Show quickly, in true Joe Jonas fashion, because he absolutely refuses to listen to a single song all the way through.

"I feel like I'm gonna go insane. Cause I keep hearin' your voice call my name. In an empty room, girl, you're the one I see. Let me tell you girl, we're history," I sing, giving Joe time to recognize the song.

"I'm a one man show! I don't need no one, I'll be fine alone, oh yeah." he sings, pulling into my driveway. We are, of course, the first to arrive, so Joe lowers the four windows all the way down and turns the radio up as loud as we can handle it. Meaning almost all the way up.

"Play Burnin' Up," he says, and I oblige. We dance like idiots in my front yard, finally having the chaotic energy we were looking for, laughing hysterically when Kevin pulls up.

"Joe, I thought you were thirty, not fifteen," Kevin says, shaking his head but joining in on the crazy dancing anyway as Nick and Pri arrive.

"Please bring those moves to the wedding. All of you," Priyanka says with a giggle.

"Who's the genius who thought it was okay to let you two ride together," says Nick, at which Joe smiles cheekily and flips him off.

"Rude," Nick says, grabbing his chest and pretending to be offended.

I whack Joe in the chest. "Yeah, Joe, don't be rude," I kid.

"Hey! You can't stand up for him now!" he says.

"What can I say? She likes me best," Nick says, high fiving me as I grin and roll my eyes at how childish he is.

"But I'm more fun," Joe mumbles jokingly.

"And I'm the whole package, so therefore, I'm the coolest cousin," Kevin says, causing all of us to laugh as we head inside.

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