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Today is September 24, and we just arrived in Dallas for the show tomorrow. Nick is especially excited about this; he was born here and considers himself more of a Texan than someone from New Jersey. Most of the time he even talks more like a Texan than he does a New Jerseyite.

"We're not far from my first house," he says fondly.

"This reminds me of my hometown a little bit," Laine says, looking around and thinking about Livingston, Louisiana.

"I'm very glad to be back here. We'll have to have some Texas style fun tonight," Nick says, and Laine looks happy at this.

"I'm down," he says.

"Kevin, I don't understand that sentence," we hear Joe say from upstairs, where he is laying on his bed listening to music along with Kevin, Danielle, and Sophie.

"Fastlife Joe," Kevin says slowly and clearly.

"Uh huh," Joe says.

"Is one of my favorite eras of Joe Jonas," Kevin continues.

"And that was important enough to tell me that you had to interrupt my music?" Joe asks.

"Of course it was. That's the album you're listening to, isn't it?" Kevin says.

"Still. Don't ruin my vibe like that," Joe retorts jokingly.

It's obvious then that Kevin has run at Joe like a little kid, as there is a gigantic crash from upstairs signaling Joe has jumped off his bunk. Seconds later he runs down the stairs and into the living room, giggling like a maniac as he hides behind Nick on the couch. Kevin comes tearing downstairs after him, laughing just as hard and trying to get around Nick.

"Lemme at him," Kevin laughs.

"Will you two stop being children for ten seconds so we can figure out what we want to do tonight?" Nick asks, pushing Joe off the couch behind him as he speaks.

"I'm not a child," Joe pouts.

"The fact that you're pouting right now proves you are, man," Laine says, and Joe sticks his tongue out at him before getting to his feet.

"You're the Texan, dude. You decide," Kevin says, looking at Nick expectantly.

"I was thinking we could do a date night. There's been a lot of togetherness recently," Nick says.

"Are you saying you're sick of us?" Joe jokes.

"Not of everyone. Just of you," Nick jokes right back, earning himself a punch to the shoulder. "No, I'm just kidding. But I figured everyone would like a little time to just be in their own little family," he continues.

"Yeah, I guess that would be kind of nice," Kevin says.

"We could all go out to dinner as separate families and then meet back up to go to a rodeo or something," Nick suggests.

"A rodeo?" Priyanka asks skeptically.

"Yeah! Wouldn't that be fun?" Nick asks.

"Sounds fun to me," Laine says, high fiving Nick.

"Of course it does, country boy," I say, rolling my eyes but also agreeing to go.

After a few minutes of decision from Priyanka, as well as Danielle and Sophie who have just walked downstairs, it's settled. We will all go to Pappas Bros Steakhouse, but sit at different tables so we can have a little alone time with our significant others and, in Kevin's case, small family. Then, we will meet back on the bus and drive to a rodeo, where we will all hang out together as a group again. Since it's already 3:00, and we've made reservations for 5:00, we all go back upstairs and take turns showering and using the small bathroom to get ready. By 4:45 we're parked in front of the restaurant, waiting on Joe to finish doing his hair.

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