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"Congratulations, Harper!" Sophie squeals as we head out to the audience.

"Thank you, I'm literally shaking! I'm so shocked," I tell her, laughing giddily.

"The boys are pissed they couldn't congratulate you straightaway, but they wanted to keep the show mostly the same," laughs Sophie, and I just shake my head.

"So you knew about this!" I accuse her, and she nods.

"We all did. Laine talked to everyone about it this morning, before you were up. Honestly though, I thought either Joe or Nick were going to blow the secret, the way the two of them were acting," she says, laughing.

At this, I round on Priyanka and Danielle too, completely dumbfounded that all these people could keep a secret this well.

"All of you knew about this?" I ask.

"Sure did. It was hard not to slip up and mention something all day, let me tell you," Priyanka says.

"I'm surprised no one did," I giggle, and we take our seats in time to catch Nick coming on stage for Flame.

When Flame finishes up, each one of my cousins hugs Laine before he exits the stage for the last time, creating a little bit of an emotional scene. However, once they begin their own set, the intensity is brought back up just as they promised. Burnin Up literally makes the entire venue shake, and I can already tell that this last performance will be the best one they've ever given.

"Well, they're pumped up today!" I yell over the chorus, and Danielle nods with wide eyes.

"Of course they are! Everyone is! They just saw you get engaged!" Priyanka yells back to me, and I just laugh as they start Rollercoaster.

This song calms the crowd a bit before Kevin, Joe, and Nick make everyone rowdy and ready to party again with SOS. This party continues with Cool, and then the intro to Only Human makes everybody scream super loudly again. This song is always a popular one with audiences, especially live. And for today's performance, you can really tell the boys are feeling themselves with the way they dance around the stage and act goofy. This just adds to it, making the song even more enjoyable, and the crowd seems to lap it all up, dancing around with them.

The concert mellows out for a little while, then gets crazy for Jealous. Nick kills the falsetto in the beginning of the song, and Joe just keeps it going when he sings, allowing Nick to get back to the main stage. More dancing, more chaotic energy as they duet the song, pausing to let the crowd sing back briefly before continuing on.

Cake by the Ocean keeps the energy up just by itself, and of course my cousins are being ten times more animated than they normally are. The floatie guys come shooting out of the stage, getting an even bigger roar from the crowd, and once Nick starts singing, Joe really begins to act like a crackhead. He goes over to a floatie guy, dancing to look just like it and getting a rise out of everyone, including us.

"Is he serious," Sophie says, face-palming with a huge grin on her face.

"That's your fiance for you!" I say back, jumping around and having the time of my life.

"He's always got to be a clown!" Priyanka says, and Sophie nods as she mirrors my actions.

They slow it down again with Comeback, but of course I'm overly excited about this one. I don't think this song will ever get old. Then it's When You Look Me In The Eyes, I Believe, and a mashup of a few older songs before Lovebug. That's a party, of course, and then it's the last song before the encore.

"They're doing amazing! I don't want this to end!" Danielle says, and I nod.

"I can't believe this is it! I'm going to miss these shows a lot after today," I say.

"We can worry about that later!" Sophie says, as Kevin plays the iconic guitar intro to Year 3000.

We join the crowd in yelling for an encore, which of course we know is Sucker, and then they reappear, Nick addresses the audience one last time, and they hype everyone up again. We actually stay for the whole song this time, not wanting to miss any of their last show, and then quickly make our way backstage when they disappear into the depths of the stage.

"That was the most incredible performance ever! Like, ever in your entire life!" I shout at all four boys as they come over by us in the combined dressing room.

Laine ignores this comment as he runs to me and kisses me like never before. I'm taken slightly aback by his abruptness, but I smile against his lips and deepen the kiss for a few seconds before we're forced to pull away; everyone is staring at us, but with grins on their faces of course.

"Congratulations, guys! I wish I could've said that before, when it happened!" Nick says, hugging me tightly and giving Laine a bro hug.

"Thanks, Nicky," I say, a permanent smile on my face that is mirrored on his as well.

"Congrats! Oh man, this is weird. I just got engaged and now my little cousin did too," Joe says, coming over to me so we can perform our secret handshake and then slapping Laine on the back.

"So let's see that ring then!" Kevin says eagerly, and Laine throws his arm around me as I lift my left hand into the air, smiling just as widely as I am.

"My mom helped me get that," Laine explains as everyone comments on it.

"It's beautiful. You both did a great job picking it," Sophie says, and he blushes a little.

"I love it," I tell him, my eyes glinting with a happiness that hasn't left since he popped the question.

"I love you," he tells me, and I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"I love you too, Laine," I say.

"Ah, well aren't you guys cute," Joe mocks, and Sophie slaps him for me.

"Shut up, Joe. Thanks, Soph," I say, and she nods while Joe sticks his tongue out at me.

"We couldn't ask for a better person to be joining the family, Laine," Nick says seriously, and everyone agrees, making Laine go red again.

"I couldn't ask for a better family to be accepted into. You guys have been great since I met you, and on this tour and everything," he says, and Joe grins cheekily.

"I know, aren't we just fantastic," he says, and this time Nick slaps him.

"You're ruining the moment, dumbass," Nick says, and everyone laughs as we head back to the bus. It's time to make our way home. Happiness has begun, and it's here to stay.

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