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As everyone files into the ballroom and takes their seat, I tap my cousin on the arm. He turns at once, the biggest smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Nicky!" I say.

"Thank you! It really means a lot, you being here," he says, and I grin.

"You know I wouldn't miss it." Then, as Priyanka looks over, "Congratulations, Pri! You look amazing!"

"Thanks, Harper! I love your hair," she compliments me back.

Once everybody has taken their seat, Joe taps his fork on his glass a few times to get everyone's attention. The room quiets down as everyone turns to look at him, and he stands up, walking over to the podium with the microphone.

"I'd just like to say a few words as best man to my brother over here," he says, gesturing to Nick, who rolls his eyes with a smile. I don't think he's stopped smiling all day, actually.

"When Nick was born, I was disappointed because I wasn't the youngest and the center of attention anymore. However, I quickly got over that, because from the time he could walk we did everything together. There wasn't a day that went by where he and I weren't getting into trouble somehow, goofing around and driving our parents and Kevin crazy," he pauses as everyone chuckles.

"Everything I did, I always wanted him to be a part of it. When we all started singing together, it was like a dream come true for me because we could pursue what we were passionate about, but do it together instead of alone. Every time I was on stage, knowing I had him with me was the thing that gave me the confidence to be as crazy in front of strangers as I am in front of family. And when we were filming movies and shows together, knowing I had him to lean on helped me through all the stressful times, and times where I just wanted to be done with the projects," Joe looks over to Nick as he says this, not just staring out into the crowd anymore. Nick has tears in his eyes again, and Priyanka clasps her husband's hand as Joe finishes.

"Man, I'm so proud of you, Nick, for everything that you've accomplished. I'm so incredibly happy for you today and in life everyday. I love you man," he says, walking away but then leaning back over the microphone one last time with a cheeky grin on his face. "And congratulations on somehow becoming successful as a solo artist, because everyone knows I carry the Jonas Brothers with my vocals."

The room explodes with laughter at this comment as Nick laughs and shakes his head; it is so like Joe to be comical that you couldn't expect the whole speech to be serious. Nick stands up to give his brother a bro hug before Joe returns to his seat, and when he does he looks rather proud of himself.

"Where'd you pull that from?" asks Sophie, and he just smirks and shrugs in response.

"You do not carry the vocals," Kevin tells him jokingly,  "I do." Which makes Joe snicker as the waiters bring out the bruschetta.

We eat through the two courses, and then the wedding cake is brought out and put on a side table. It's the biggest cake I've ever seen in my life, and Priyanka and Nick have to go down to it in order to cut it since it can't be lifted onto the main table. When they finally receive their slice, the waiters bring some around to everyone and we all eat it happily. It's the best cake I've ever tasted, very rich and full of flavor. When everyone is done eating, there's a twenty minute period where the tables are cleared out of the way and the floor is opened up for dancing. Just like that, it's Nick and Priyanka's time to shine on the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple.

They step out onto the dance floor with all of us surrounding the outside, watching them and preparing to also step on. Their song of choice, First Time I Saw Your Face, by Roberta Flack, begins to play and they begin to dance slowly. Denise tears up again as she watches her second to youngest son dance with his wife, and when the song is over they pull apart, beaming at each other once again. Then, What A Man Gotta Do begins to play, one of my cousin's songs, and everyone steps onto the dance floor to do the dance routine from the music video. For the rest of the night we all dance together, a few of the most notable times being when Single Ladies comes on and Joe recreates his viral video dance to the song. Then You're My Favorite Song from Camp Rock is played, and Joe dances with Sophie while he sings it, since he's the one who sang the song in the movie. We party until around 2:00 in the morning, going all night long before we finally have to get some sleep.

Nick and Priyanka head off to Pri's room in the bride hallway, where they'll stay together tonight, after the last dance is over. All of us staying at the hotel pile into cars and head back, suddenly exhausted but still in awe over the fantastic day we've had. When we finally arrive back in our room, Joe quickly changes and goes to bed while Sophie and I wash the makeup off and undo our hair.

"That was a wedding to remember. And we've still got the Hindu service," Sophie says, and I nod.

"Everything was so beautiful and perfect," I say.

"I hope Joe picked up some tips," Sophie laughs, and we climb into bed.

I check my phone quickly before falling asleep, thinking of Laine. I text him back, not sure if he'll respond, but he does because of the time difference between Mumbai and home.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face, thinking not only of the awe-inspiring wedding I was just a part of, but also of the wonderful guy back home

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I fall asleep with a smile on my face, thinking not only of the awe-inspiring wedding I was just a part of, but also of the wonderful guy back home.

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