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Laine was released from the hospital a few days ago, and since then we've been working on wedding stuff. However, we have to put a pause on that today, because we're going into the studio with my cousins as they record a new song. Then, tonight they are performing at the Billboard Music Awards, which Laine and I will be attending along with their wives.

"Harper, we've got to go," Nick rushes me, and I give up on trying to make my hair look nice, throwing it up into a messy bun and following my cousin out of the house.

"I can't wait for you guys to hear this song," Nick tells me, pulling into Laine's driveway and honking the horn as his signal to get out here.

"I can't believe you've never let me hear this before," I tell him, because he wrote it on a trip with his friends and refused to show it to me before today.

"It'll be more impressive like this. Plus, it gives you an excuse to come to the studio," Nick says, and I shrug, silently agreeing with him as Laine slides into the backseat.

"So, what's the name of this incredible song you're recording today?" he asks.

"Can't tell you that," Nick says, backing out onto the road and starting the ten minute drive to the studio.

"Why?" Laine asks.

"Top secret," he says, and I roll my eyes at Nick.

"We're going to hear the song in like twenty minutes!" I say, exasperated.

"So you can wait that long for the title," Nick says cheekily, and both Laine and I shake our heads at him as he grins.

Just then my phone rings, playing the Game of Thrones theme song. Apparently, Joe would like FaceTime.

"Josephhh," I say, answering the call.

"Hey, Harper. Are you guys almost here?" he asks impatiently.

"Yeah," I tell him.

"About a minute and a half away!" Nick says, and Joe nods.

"Alright. We gotta get going as soon as you guys get here then. Otherwise we'll be late to the show," he says.

"Joe, it's only 10:00. The show doesn't even start until 7:00," I say, and he shrugs.

"Still. Hurry up," he says, and hangs up.

"And Kevin calls me the drama queen," Nick says, shaking his head and making Laine and I laugh as we pull into the parking lot.

We enter the studio, and Joe and Kevin are both sitting there with Zach Skelton, the producer. My three cousins immediately go inside, and Laine and I sit in chairs next to the soundbooth as we watch them through the glass. They all put their headphones on and position their mics appropriately, Joe having his headphones off his right ear as always. When everything is set up correctly, the producer comes behind the soundboard and speaks into the mic to them.

"Ready?" he asks, and they all nod, Kevin starting to play guitar as he does so.

"Give me five more minutes. Baby, I'm not finished loving you. I don't want to end it when we're only just beginning, give me five more minutes. Oh yeah, right now you just look too good to me. I cannot fathom letting you leave. You got important places to be. Just please not yet. Please not yet," Nick starts the song.

I look over at Laine, my jaw on the floor with how good this song is already. Turns out he's just as impressed as I am; my same look is mirrored on his face. I guess Nick was right with making us wait to hear this, because I couldn't imagine hearing it any other way.

"Give me five more minutes. Baby I'm not finished loving you. I don't want to end it when we're only just beginning. Give me five more minutes. Do you think you could just wait awhile? I think I could make it worth your while. I know that being late ain't your style, but please say yes. Please say yes. Give me five more minutes. Baby I'm not finished loving you. I don't want to end it when we're only just beginning. Give me five more minutes," Joe and Nick continue together.

"Wow," Laine breathes.

"Yeah. I had no idea they would make a song that sounded like this," I tell him, and he nods.

"Those runs on the word please are impeccable," he says, and I nod, refocusing on the performance.

"Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes, yes yes. Please say yes. Please say-please say yes. Give me five more minutes. Five more minutes holding you. Baby I'm not finished and we're only just beginning, give me five more minutes," Joe finishes the song, the music cutting off abruptly at the end.

Laine and I clap, cheer, and go wild for them once they step back out of the room. Kevin looks sheepish about it, but Joe and Nick look totally thrilled.

"That was awesome," Laine says.

"You guys liked it?" Joe says.

"Liked it? We loved it! That might be the best song you've ever come out with," I tell them.

"No way. Did you just tell me that you like a song better than Comeback?" Nick teases.

"I think so!" I say, kind of shocked myself now that he pointed that out.

"It's a great song. Your fans are really going to like it when it gets released," Laine says.

"Well, it probably won't be released for awhile, but I'm glad you like it! The first two audience member's opinions are always important," Nick says, and Laine and I look at him, dumbfounded again.

"So Sophie, Priyanka, and Danielle haven't even heard this yet?" I ask, and Joe shakes his head.

"Nope. And they're pretty pissed about it. Well, at least Soph is," he laughs.

"They're going to love it when they do get to hear it," Laine says.

The boys do a little more work on the vocals then, focusing particularly on the runs so that they are the best they can possibly be in the recorded version of the song. After another hour, in which Laine is determined to sing the runs perfectly along with them, they conclude and come back over by us.

"It sounds great, guys," says Zach.

"Well, it's definitely as good as it's going to get," Nick laughs, and Joe nods.

"Can't overwork the vocal chords. We've got a performance tonight," he says.

"No, I'm serious. I'll do a little autotuning, but it's not going to need much," Zach says.

"That's always good to hear that our natural voices don't suck," Joe jokes.

"Yeah. Well, thanks for your help on this, Zach," Kevin says as he walks us out of the studio.

"Of course, guys! Good to see some more new music is on it's way from you guys," he says, closing the door behind us as we all head to the cars.

"Alright. Two hours until we have to be at Grand Garden," Joe says, checking the time on his phone.

"We're all going in the same limo, correct?" asks Kevin, and Nick nods.

"Yeah. We'll pick your family up at 6:00, and Joe, we'll get you and Sophie at 6:15," Nick says.

"Sounds good. See you soon," Joe says, music loud and windows down as he roars out of the parking lot.

Kevin heads off right behind him, the three of us climbing into Nick's car and following. Time to attend my first ever award show.

Note: Happy XV release day! 🥳

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