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Yesterday the boys played a show at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, and tomorrow they have a show in Chicago. Laine's birthday was a week or so ago, when we were in Tennessee, and we went to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Nick's birthday was two days ago, when we were in Minnesota, so we toured Target Field. Since there is no show today we're going to Bradford Beach to celebrate them both a little more. It's right on the coast of Lake Michigan, in the heart of Milwaukee, and I've never been there before. I've never even been to Wisconsin before, though Kevin, Joe, and Nick have for a concert in 2009.

"It's pretty nice here. Nicer than I thought it would be," Laine says, and I nod.

We step off the bus and onto the sand, Joe running ahead of us with my speaker in his hand.

"Joe, if you drop my speaker out here you're dead!" I call after him, and he just giggles as he picks a good spot on the sand to lay out our towels.

"Suggestions?" he asks, opening Spotify on his phone.

"BOLLYWOOD HITS!" Nick yells, making Priyanka laugh and shake her head.

"Rap!" Kevin says.

"Country!" Laine suggests.

"Switchfoot it is," says Joe, not taking any of the suggestions and playing his own favorite band.

"Isn't it supposed to be my birthday?" Laine asks jokingly.

"And mine? Shouldn't we get to choose?" Nick says, cottoning on to the joke.

Joe rolls his eyes, whipping his shirt off and throwing it over the top of the speaker before running headlong into the water.

"Guess he's not waiting for me," Sophie laughs, taking off her coverup and following after him.

Danielle and Kevin stay back on the shore, helping Alena and Valentina make sandcastles as Laine, Nick, Priyanka and I head into the water as well. Soon enough we're all throwing a Nerf football around, making diving catches and doing our best to soak each other.

"Come on, Joe, I know I'm a girl but I know how to catch a football," I tease, and he chucks it as hard as he can at me.

"That better?" he asks, a cheeky smile on his face as I barely get my hand to it fast enough.

I stick my tongue out at him as he laughs, but Nick takes my side, chucking it back and hitting him full in the face with the foam ball.

"Yeah, I think that's better," Nick says, and I high five him as Joe jokingly sulks.

"Whatever. Laine, go long," he says, and Laine swims a little ways away from us, diving spectacularly and successfully catching the pass.

"So, I was thinking," Nick says after about a half hour of us continuing to be obnoxious.

"That's dangerous," Kevin says, entering the water with Danielle and his daughters.

"Shut up. You know what Helfaer Field is?" he asks, and everyone shakes their heads no except me.

"The little league field at Miller Park?" I say, and he nods.

"Yeah. Apparently, they are having a celebrity wiffle ball game there later today. Maybe we should play," Nick says, and Joe looks excited.

"Hell yeah we should. Wiffle ball is the best."

"Laine? Kevin? Ladies?" Nick says to all of us.

"Yeah, that would be fun," we all seem to agree, so Nick heads back to our stuff to call and tell the people at Miller Park that we're in.

"Who else do you think is playing?" Laine asks as we get out of the water to go dry off.

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