"Come sit down," he told me, leading me to his bed. After taking a seat, he explained why he called Terrence. "I had to ask him some things to make sure your friend wasn't taken. I asked him if she left her purse and her wallet at home. He said that she took them along. So if something happens to her, her identity won't be hidden."

"If something happens to her?"

This wasn't happening. If Levi was also thinking she may have been kidnapped, it had to be so.

"Nothing is certain yet," he reassured me, "There's nothing on the news about her disappearance. Have you tried calling her?"

"Not yet..."

"We'll find her, don't worry," he told me.

But three whole days went by and we hadn't found her yet. She was officially classified as a missing person and was all over the news. I couldn't believe this. This felt like a horrible nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. I had trouble sleeping and eating to the point where I got ill.

I was calling Coraline every two minutes and leaving voice mails on her phone, but I would get no response whatsoever. I was desperate. I felt like I was going crazy. I cried all day long. In other words, I was a hot mess. And it was killing me how I was making Levi worried about me. But I couldn't help it. Something about this was so wrong. Why would she go missing unless she was kidnapped? Even if she did have some type of argument with Terrence, she would have come to Tina or me to hide. It's happened once a few years ago. But the fact that she wasn't picking up her phone and it would just keep ringing and ringing was what made this so weird. It's been days. Why couldn't the police just trace her phone's location?

I went over to Levi's room and found him talking on the phone again. It sounded like he was talking to Terrence. Moments later he hung up and looked up at me from behind his desk.

"Anything new?" I asked him.

"Well... yeah actually." He frowned. "They found her car. Her purse was inside, but her phone is still missing."

"Why can't the police just trace her phone?" I asked him.

"They're trying to, but for some reason her phone's location keeps changing."

What was that supposed to mean? Levi shrugged.

"I'm not sure if it means she's on the move 24/7 or if it means something else is going on," he said.

I bit my lip nervously. "Was there anything else in her car?" Levi paused far too long for my liking. "Well?"

"They found some blood," he said, "It wasn't a lot, just a dry smudge on her driver's seat, but it was definitely there."

Blood? I couldn't say or do anything. My mind went completely blank. I refused to believe that she may have gotten kidnapped, but how could I turn a blind eye to this any longer? It was getting more and more obvious that her fate was sealed. Levi walked up to me, asking me if I was okay. But I felt so helpless. Wasn't there anything I could do for her? Levi was doing so much, yet all I could do was call her cellphone endlessly and cry.

"She's dead, isn't she?" I whispered at him.

"I hope not," Levi replied, wiping away my tears from my face.

Well, that was reassuring.

"Check this out."

Levi went back to his laptop and I followed him. His screen was displaying a town map with a blinking circle that was on the move.

"It's Coraline's cellphone," he said, "If it's still moving, it's... probably a good sign?"

I nodded, but it didn't mean I was feeling any better about it. Levi's doubtfulness in itself wasn't a good sign.

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