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Anna's POV

My mind couldn't comprehend what had just happened. One minute me and Hannah were just strolling the streets of LA, the next we're rushing to the hospital, hoping her arm isn't going to be amputated.

"It's going to be okay Hannah, mommy's here." I say.
"It hurts!"
"I know honey, I know, hold tight, we're going to make it all better. You can do this. You're strong baby."

-6:14 pm-

We finally arrive at the hospital and Hannah is in stable condition. The doctors said she needs to go into surgery since her bone is puncturing her skin.

I feel myself fall to the ground. I can't believe this. I tried to raise her in a safe environment, keeping all the bad out, and yet it's my fault. This is all my fault.

I feel arms wrap around my and pull me up to my feet. I get pulled into a hug and for a minute, I just feel the stress escape me. I get this feeling of, she will be fine, everything will be alright.

I look up to see Harry's face and I immediately push him off of me. He gives me a look of surprise.

I turn back to the doctor who looks like she has more to say.

"We ran a blood test on Hannah to see what her blood type was, and well, she has a very rare type of blood. We sadly don't have enough in the hospital for a full surgery..."
"What do you mean you don't have enough? Can't someone just donate?" I say in return.
"Yes, well, the problem is, the blood type is really rare. It's AB-. The chances of someone in this hospital having it are-"
"Test me for it." I quickly say.
"The odds that you have the blood type are very slim-"
"Test me for it."
"Okay, yes, we can do that." She replies.

The doctor brings me to a room where she'll test my blood, and Harry follows behind into the room. As much as I want to hate him, right now I just need a familiar face with me.

"This shouldn't hurt at all." The doctor says as she pricks my finger.

I wince in pain, but it truly wasn't that bad.

"Alright, I'll be back shortly with the results, hang tight." She says as she's leaving the room.

I face Harry.

"Would you like you explain yourself now?" I say.
"I went to go-"
"How fucking stupid can you be? I mean how did you even get to meet up with Will in the first place?"
"Well we-"
"And then you fucking fought him, Harry, you beat the shit out of him. He could've died for all you know."
"I was just-"
"And then Hannah! You threw Will on top of Hannah, made her go to the fucking hospital, and now she may not even be able to get surgery. Do you know what you fucking did?"
"Yes I do... it's just-"
"Just what? An accident? Did you mean to beat him up? Did you mean to put Hannah in the hospital? Did you mean for all of this to happen?"
"No, Anna, please just-"

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Hi there guys, the results are back in." The doctor comes in the room and sits down on her chair.

"I'm afraid you do not match the blood type. You are an A+. But it's okay, the surgery just can't happen, but there are other measures we can take and Hannah should be-"
"Test me. For the blood type." Harry blurts out.

I look at him confused.

"Harry what are you doing?" I say.
"Just test me for it. This is my fault in the first place, please just let me try to help in some way." He responds.
"Oh well, sure, we can test you too. Take a seat." The doctor says, gesturing in the seat next to me.

"This shouldn't hurt at all." She says.

Harry doesn't even flinch when the needle pricks him. Show off...

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