Two Ghosts

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Anna's POV

Will was... nice. He is truly caring, funny, kind. He just... isn't Harry. But in the end, he is really...nice. Will is husband material. Harry is boyfriend material. That is what I convinced myself to believe.

So, I gave Will a chance. It felt right. Also he kind of sort of maybe already met Hannah. It was a complete accident though. He walked me to my door and she just happened to be standing there when I opened the door. In the end, she basically fell in love with him, or the idea of him. And I wanted that for her. A solid father figure. She loved Harry. They were like best friends. It broke my heart to explain to her that he wouldn't be coming over any more.

I finally fell onto my bed and let out a sigh.

Maybe Will was the right choice. I have to give him a chance now that Hannah met him.

I roll over my bed and pick up my phone.

(1 new message from "Harold Stylish")

Harry's POV

It's now 5:58 pm. Anna still hasn't read or replied to my text. I swear she is trying to kill me. Now the overthinking begins. Does she just want me out of her life now that she met Will? He seemed... cool. Nothing special popped out to me while I "stalked" them. Maybe they are just meant to b-

(Text message read)

I just sat there in shock.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Anna knows I love her. I poured my heart out into that text. She must think I'm stupid for doing that. Especially after I basically ditched her earlier. Please say you love me back.

Anna's POV

"They're up in the cabinet sweetie." I tell Hannah.
Will and I have been together for almost 8 months now. Things are getting... pretty serious. We've already said "I love you" to each other and he's now moved in with me and Hannah.
The last time I thought about Harry was when he last texted after Will and I's first date. He confessed his love to me. What I wanted to do was text him back that I love him, I've been a shit show without him, and I want to be with him again. But instead I left him on read. I know I shouldn't have. I should've at least called and had a talk with him. Harry is special to me and will always have a piece of my heart, I just know we wouldn't work out long term. Once the lust wears off we would be a mess.

Anyways me and Will are starting a life together. Jane thinks he's going to propose soon! I honestly could say I've never been more sure about anything in my life. What me and Will have is not just purely lust, it is a long term commitment. We would work out together. We could raise a family, grow old together, and watch as our lives grow around us. Everything made sense with Will.

"Hey baby." I hear a voice say around the corner. A smile grew on my face when I saw it was Will.
"Hey." I reply.
"So I was thinking, you. Me. Antonio's restaurant. 7pm."
Holy shit... is he going to propose tonight.
I stare at him, not saying anything.
I snap back into reality.
"Great!" He smiles, gives me a peck on the lips, and walks away.
What am I gonna wear?!

Harry's POV
Its been 8 months.
8 months I've been on read for.
8 months since I've told Anna I love her.
8 months since I last saw her face.
8 months and I'm still heartbroken.
Anna and Will are now an item. I thought for sure they'd break up after 2 weeks.
I've done my deep internet stalking and in all honesty, Will is a dud.
The dude watches the Big Bang Theory in his free time and has a cat name Fred. I mean come on.
I love Anna, and I'm okay with us not being together. I just want her to be happy. I want the best for her. And Will just isn't it.
But there's nothing I can do.
I have to move on with my life. If all I think about is Anna then I can never get anything done. I mean I haven't even written a song in almost a year now. My mind has been absolute shit since she's left. I can barely think straight, and right when I stop thinking about her, she just pops up out of no where.

I sit down on my couch and pick up my journal. Written on the outside is quotes and scribbles I drew while on planes or just thinking in general.
I open the journal to a blank page.
I go to start writing and my hand just writes the word "Anna".
My head falls back and I groan.
Oh Anna. Will you ever leave my fucking head?
I write down Oh Anna.
For the first time in months, words are being written on the page.
Maybe if I write a song about her, I'll stop thinking about her?
I know the logic is screwed up but it's worth a try.
"Oh Anna. The shit you put me through." I say aloud to myself.
I put my journal down and just lay down on my couch.
It's hurts knowing you love someone who will never love you back.
Please just leave my head Anna.

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