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Anna's POV

My phone buzzed and my heart skipped a beat.

Was it Harry? I need to check. 

No I can't. I don't want to seem desperate. Relax. It may just be Jane. Or Ellie. Or maybe-

Fuck this. 

(1 new message from "Harold Stylish")

I forgot I never changed his name back. Harold was our inside joke.

I open the message. I don't know what I was expecting, but a 5 word response was not it. The man is a freaking genius with words and yet the only words he could send me were "hey. i miss you too."

What do I say? Do I respond? Do I call? Do I ignore it? Do I fa-

My mind was going in circles. I had to calm down. I need a clear head space if I'm going to respond. Unwind. Chillax. Maybe do some meditation...

Screw it.

(Calling "Harold Stylish")

Harry's POV

I finally got this woman out of my bed. I don't have shit to do today. That means more overthinking about-

My phone was buzzing. Oh shit is it my manager calling again?

I pick up my phone.

("1 missed call from "Anna Banana")

I forgot I never changed her name back. 

Why is she calling me? A simple text would've been effective. The things this woman does to me in insane. Do I call her back? Should I just shoot her a text?

I put my phone down. 

It's only 11 am and she is already driving me crazy. 

Before I talk to her I have to know what I want. Do I still love her? Do I want to be with her? Where is our future together? Do we even have a future together?

I pick my phone back up.

(Calling "Anna Banana")

The sound of someone waiting to pick up the phone is one of the most irritating sounds ever. It just rings in your ear and never seems to st-

"Hey." I hear the voice say on the other line. 

My hands start to shake and there is a lump forming in the back of my throat.

"Hi" I respond. My voice cracked in the middle of saying probably one of the shortest words ever.

Anna giggles quietly. My face turns beat red and my heart starts pounding.

"So how are you? Why'd you call?" I say after what felt like hours of silence.

"I'm doing good... I just wanted to check in on you. We haven't talked in a hot minute. Just wanted to make sure everything was fine."

"Yes. I am fine. Thanks you."

Thanks you. Harry what is wrong with you? Breathe! This is Anna. Relax. She knows you better than anyone. She's the one.

I gasp in my own thoughts. 

She's the one. 

Anna is the one. 

"Hey um- wanna maybe meet at the Beachwood Cafe later today at around 2?"

"Sure. Just don't be late." She says with a chuckle.

"I promise I won't"

I hang up the phone.

What did I get myself into now?

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