To Be So Lonely

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Harry's POV

Everyone thinks I'm living the dream. Sold out concerts, performing on stage, all the girls want me. But the problem is no one really knows me. I've been told I'm handsome or have a good voice but that's not what I want to hear. I want people to see me for me. Not just the shell of who I am. I'm going to be 30 soon and all I've ever known is making music and touring. I want love in my life. I want to be loved and to love back. Is that too much to ask?

10:42 am

"Oh fuck" I rolled over my bed and looked at the clock. I slept WAY pass my alarm. "Shit Shit Shit Shit Fuck Fuck Fuck" I mumble with every step I take.

Last night I had a huge realization. I want a family. But I know that may never come as soon as I want it to. So, today I am taking a big step in my life. I'm going to donate some sperm. This may sound a little crazy... okay very crazy, BUT this is what I want. If I can't have that family dream right now, I might as well give someone else the chance to have theirs.

12:22 pm

I won't give you too many details but let's just say my cup was donated. Now I know I may never know this child, or mother, but that's okay! As long as they're happy with their new life then I can be happy knowing I made someone out there.

11:38 pm

My mind is racing like crazy. What the fuck did I just do? I just made the biggest mistake ever. I wanted a family not a kid I may never know. Why do I do this shit? This is why I need to stop being spontaneous. I'm spontaneous in the worse ways possible. I'll call in the morning to take my sperm back. I can't let a child grow up without ever knowing their father. That's like borderline child abuse! For now I need sleep, I have an interview in the morning.

7:29 am

After 3 cups of coffee, I realized I can't undo what I did. I have to accept the fact that I did it and just hope for the best. I'll call them back in a few years to see if there are any little swimmers left or if I have children. Holy shit. I might be a dad in a few years. Nope okay I need to stop thinking about this. NO ONE can know what I did. No one can know.

A/N: Fair warning, I wrote this part about a month ago and I'm just now realizing how short the chapters were for a while. I promise if you hang in there the chapters get better along the way. Okay, that's all. Thanks for reading!

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