Chapter Twenty Six

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My head hurt and my mouth tasted like shit. Creeping my dry crusty eyes open, I laid there dazed not really seeing anything. The front of my head hurt like a bitch and I could feel something had hardened on the skin around it. No doubt the same thing that had run into my eyes sealing them shut. Lifting my right hand to check the area, the movement was halted by the weight of my left. The cut of metal restraints biting into the skin of both of my wrists. Why was I in shackles?

The last thing I remembered was kneeling by the dying animal, feeling sick to my stomach over what I needed to do. That was until the smell hit me. Hunger unlike anything else took hold of me and that was the last I remembered. Why couldn't I remember? I was totally lucid when I had fed on Jay if not in control so why weren't I with the buck? Was I just that hungry that the frenzy took over?

"Oh God!" I agonized. Had they locked me away for losing control?! Had I hurt Connor? Any of them? Panic stole my breath as I pushed myself up and shook away the dizziness swirling around my head at the movement.

Blinking away the blurriness of my eyes I searched the cabin to see where they were holding me, for any clues if I had hurt anyone. I felt sick. I was a monster.

Only... I wasn't in the cabin.

I was in a sterile white padded cell no larger than six foot square and a metal toilet hole in the floor. Something that suspiciously looks like dried blood maring the fabric of the walls. The harsh halogen lighting stung my eyes as it buzzed away filling up the silence of the room. Where was I? Fear of the unknown overtook me. I needed to know what happened out by the lake, what had happened to my guys and was it them that had put me here or did something happen?

Trying to rise shakily to my feet, I quickly realized that my wrists were not the only things shackled. My ankles were too and both sets of manacles were connected by a metre length of chain which meant I couldn't stand past a halfway crouch, making my back scream in protest. There wasn't a part of me that didn't hurt. The only thing that I couldn't feel was the gnawing hunger that had plagued me for the last few weeks. Oh God! I really needed to find out what happened!

Gripping both hands together I banged them against the padded door, the chain stopping me from getting a decent swing so the loud bang that I had hoped for came out more of a light thump. Like the hit of a pillow. No one was going to hear that! I chastised myself.

"Hello?!" My voice came out scratchy and raw "Is there anyone there." I shouted louder and clearer. There was a window in the door but because of the damn chains I couldn't get anywhere near it to tell if anyone was coming. I paused and listened intently, pressing my ear up against the padded door. Nothing... But was it nothing because no one was there or was there nothing because the room was sound proof. I tried again.

"Hello!" I listened again but still nothing.

I searched frantically around the door for a handle or anything that could help me get out. The door was nothing but a padded rectangle in the frame. The only break was that tiny window that I couldn't reach. "Fuck!" I growled. Frustration taking over.

Noticing that the door opens outwards, I used me gaining strength to launch my entire body at the door. The padding, giving me confidence to throw my entire weight behind it without getting hurt. The door didn't even flinch. It must be solid steel in structure but it still didn't deter me from trying over and over again. So much so that I had tenderized the muscles down my right side and the padding now felt non existent as I continued. Still the door didn't ever waver. Taking a few steps backwards until my back hit the rear wall, I prepared myself one more time to take a run up using my unbattered side.

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