Chapter Ten

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The last thing I remembered was being was being tossed back into my cell by that fucking prick, Todd. The pain and agony that ran through my body was beyond anything that I had ever felt in our entire life! No wonder Blake wanted to blank out of this one. I couldn't blame the poor bastard. What type of sick fuck ran this joint?! Throwing conscious people into that pit of evil all in the name of curiosity, how can they even sleep at night. Not to mention that the penn was also filled with women and children. Young children.

I felt sick as I thought back to that little girl in the red coat. The vacant, hungry look in her eyes that was once no doubt filled with joy just a short while back. The country had gone to hell in a handbasket if this place was their answer to the problem.

But what was the fucking problem? The world had ended as we knew it and it would seem that the rule book had been tossed right out of the window right along with basic, decent humanity with it. We were meant to come together in times of great crisis and sorrow. Humanity was meant to shine in the face of darkness. But instead, it had become just another powerplay for some sick fuck to roleplay his deepest fantasy of torturing innocent people all while wearing the disguise of a doctor.

The people in this facility were meant to be helping the people of Alabama but instead they were treating them like cattle. Like a bored kid pulling the wings of a harmless fly. Now I know a lot of people here aren't harmless but with how quickly they had thrown Blake and I into the penn begged the question; How many others like us had they done this to?

Had the little girl in the red coat been lucid when they had thrown her in. I had no doubt that if her parents had been infected that they would have thrown her in just so there was one less needy mouth to feed. I had heard the guards talking outside of my cell before this ordeal and the way they talked about the people here led me to believe that they would do just that without even blinking an eye.

They were cold hearted bastards, that was for sure.

A jolt to our body let me know that even though I was still healing, it still had a hell of a long way to go to recover from being feasted on by close to a hundred of the infected. I may have inflated the number slightly but fuck, it sure as hell felt like hundreds in those few minutes that also felt like fucking hours. I mean God knows how long I had been out, but I could still feel them clawing at my skin. Their teeth tearing through muscle. I could still feel every second of Blake and I being eaten alive.

Another jolt had me moaning anew as it felt as though my bones were rattling after every knock. Where the fuck were we?

A voice brought my consciousness further to the surface, Blake stayed tucked up in the back off our mind for now. He'd been through enough today or whatever the hell day it was now.

"I think he's coming to." I didn't recognize the voice, but I did recognize the slight panic to his tone. Peewee was scared of me. Good. He should be.

"Calm the fuck down, Liam. He's strapped to gurney, no need to piss your pants."

I don't recognize the second voice either, but I could instantly tell that he was a tool. His friends fear of me was natural. Smart. He could learn a few lessons in caution from his friend Liam.

"Are you sure he can't break out? I heard these fuckers were strong."

"I'm sure. Anyway, we've been on the road for about an hour now, we should be nearly there."

A loud bang sounded against metal, putting my nerves on edge and bringing me further out of my hazy slumber. The scraping sound of a metal hatch being opened set my teeth on edge.

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