Chapter Nineteen

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"This is fucking delicious!" Well that's what I wanted to say but it came out more as "bish-ish-mucking-melicious" as I spoke around a mouth full of chilli and freshly baked bread. Blake had managed to light the log fire that I had failed to earlier, distracted from their appearance and everything that ensued after. I blushed at the memory and the soreness between my legs. Blake threw me a salacious wink over his shoulder when he saw my reaction, knowing exactly what I was thinking. All three of us were snuggled under the blanket on the huge couch. I had joked that I was "the rose between two thorns" and found it absolutely hilarious until Connor had countered that maybe I was more "the shit between the cheeks" which I hadn't found half as funny as he and Blake had.

We ate with gusto, telling funny stories from our past until our bellies were full and our eyes began rolling. The long day and warm meal -and the multiple orgasm sure helped- finally getting to me.

"Right, I'm beat. I need to check on Jay so I might as well bed down in there. You two don't mind sharing do you?" I said stretching before standing from the couch. There were only two bedrooms so they either had to share or one of them was taking the couch and by the look on Blake's face, I knew what the answer would be. Which will be the complete opposite to Connor's answer if his sly grin was anything to go by. I wasn't going to stick around for the argument which I was pretty sure was imminent.

Connor grabbed my wrist over the back of the couch as I circled around it, heading to Jay. Stopping, I looked down at his grey eyes staring up at me. My breath hitched. It still struck me how handsome he was, how they all were. I don't deserve them.

"No more morphine," He stated simply but his face was serious which grabbed my attention. It was even enough to grab Blake's attention.

"Has he already had his dose?"

"No he had his antibiotics nearly four hours ago so they will be due but don't give him morphine."

"But he'll be in pain. What are you not telling me?"

"It's not my story to tell but you can't give him any more, he has... Issues... with it." His eyes widened as if begging me to understand what he was saying. And I did. Jay was an addict and he would rather be in pain than relapse. I could respect that. I nodded that I understood which seemed to appease him enough to relax and let me go -not that he was holding me there in the first place. His grip was loose, it was just a mere suggestion that I stop-. Leaning over the back of the couch I stroked my hands over his chiselled jaw before bending down and pressing my lips against his for an upside down kiss. His hands came up to grip the back of my head and pull me against him, deepening the kiss. I could easily get lost in his kiss but there was a handsome brunette in the other room that needed my attention. Connor's eyes blazed with want as I extracted myself from him. His eyes burning into my back as I sashayed away, purposefully putting a little extra sway into my step.

"Shit... He finally admitted it?" I heard Blake whispering to Connor as I reached the door. I slowed my steps enough to hear his response.

"Not in so many words, but yeah."

"That's huge, Man."

"Hmmhmm." Was Connor's only response so I left. They all seem to know about Jay's addiction even though Jay had tried to hide it. That right there is true friendship. Knowing someone so intently that it made it impossible to hide anything from them. Total friendship goals, I just wish that one day that would include me. Val was the only family I had ever had and this small bunch of misfits that had pushed their way into my life in such a short period of time were quickly expanding that at a rapid pace. And if I learnt anything in the foster system it was that true family meant everything and when you finally found it, you protected it with your life.

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