Chapter Six

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Scared gold and obsidian eyes stare back at me, pain set deep within them. Blake was hurting. He was afraid and in pain. I made a move towards him but my feet felt like they're stuck in quicksand and movement was damn near impossible. I stretched out my arms in front of me, but I'm too far away. Blake's arms mimicked mine as we reached for each other, but he remained just inches out of reach.

"Blake!" I screamed but not a single sound left my lips. "Blake!" I tried again but still nothing. Fear and frustration ate away at me as I tried in vain to free my feet from the invisible force holding me back while stretching out as far as I could towards him.

I stared deeply into his eyes hoping to convey the words that I was not able to say. "I will find you and I will save you!"

A single tear cut a path down his cheek, breaking my heart in two. Seeing him hurting and vulnerable was killing me. He was usually so strong.

Grey, mottled hands appeared from behind him, grabbing hold of his body and trying to pull him away from me. Fear prickled my spine as I fought with all my might against my invisible restraints screaming silently for them to stop.

The last ounce of strength I had leaked out of me like a broken dam as I fought to get to him. Darkness was beginning to surround me and my eyes were getting heavy from exhaustion.

It was no use, I couldn't reach him. The hands were inching him away from me and I was too weak to keep fighting. I hated feeling weak but that's what I was. I was just one small insignificant person unworthy of the loving way he was looking at me in this moment. I was the reason he was in pain right now and I was too weak to change anything about it.

I stopped fighting and just stared into his beautiful and unique eyes. Knowing there was nothing physically I could do to help him. The sudden urge to make sure he knew how much he was loved overwhelmed me and just before the darkness won, I mouthed the words that I hoped would ease some of his suffering.

"I love you."

The second the silent words left my lips he stopped fighting against the hands and with a sharp nod of his head, he was pulled away from me and into the darkness. Instinctively I reached out to the empty space now in front of me crying out in pain as the darkness swallowed me whole.

I startled awake with a gasp, jack knifing in bed. Pain slicing through my heart from the lingering sadness still fresh inside me from my dream. The anguish written on Blakes face, still a fresh open wound on my chest. We had to get him out of there, we couldn't lose him.

It took me a moment to get my bearings before realizing we were in a room that I had never seen before. The powerful morning light shone brightly from the big bay window over a patchwork quilt that covered a sleeping Connor.

He looked so peaceful in sleep. His pale face was relaxed and carefree. His strong jaw, scattered with days worth of auburn stubble framing soft, plump lips. Unable to help myself, I stretched out beside him on the bed and ran my hands softly over his flushed cheeks. Grazing the pad of my thumb over his slightly parted lips, my breath stuttered in surprise when he gently nipped it with his teeth.

"Morning, Red." He grumbled out, his voice thick with sleep and something else, something more carnal. His big hands feathered down my neck and over my collar bone, making me shiver. But he didn't stop there for too long. I pushed my chest forward as his hand skirted down and over my breast. Moaning as he cupped and kneaded the heavy weight making me moan. Even though I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday, it didn't lessen the sensation. Thankfully Connor had stripped off before coming to bed, giving me a completely unhindered view that made my mouth water.

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