Chapter Fourteen

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The road to the Johnson farm was bumpy and terrifying. Unable to use the headlights it was impossible to see the potholes and divots that paved our way, meaning that we hit every single one. Or so it felt like that anyway.

Jays head bobbed around on my lap despite my efforts to steady him but with the bouncing of the truck, there was only so much I could do. Relief filled me when we finally rolled to a stop outside of a dark and seemingly empty farm house. Blake and Connor swung around from the front to look at me.

"You're staying here." They both ordered me as if they had synchronized purposefully to drill the point home. I rolled my eyes at their ridiculousness. I held up my hands mimicking a scale, going through my options.

"Go into the creepy abandoned house in the dark that is possibly surrounded by zombies or stay back in the nice warm car, snuggling with Jay." I lifted one hand way higher than the other. "No brainer dontcha think?" I snuggled into Jay as if to emphasize my choice.

They both laughed before climbing out of the truck. Connor's head popped back in giving me a stern look while pointing at me. "Lock the door and don't open it to anyone but us."

"Duh." I rolled my eyes again. Connor smirked as if he knew he was pissing me off but enjoyed pushing my buttons anyway. He grabbed a flashlight out of the dash and headed towards the house. Hitting the key fob to lock the car doors on their way.

I didn't really realise how dark it was until the interior light timed out. Drenching me in total darkness. And I'm not talking about inner city darkness where there is enough light pollution that it was almost like carrying a torch. No, this was out in the sticks darkness where you couldn't see your hand in front of your face and anyone could sneak up on you darkness. I was really regretting not going with the guys. At least they had a flashlight.

I was only sulking though. There was no way that I would leave an unconscious Jay out here alone and unprotected. Lets not forget that I am Uber Zombie after all. I would just cure anyone that came near him, not only saving him but also contributing to the cause by taking one more of the infected off of the streets. Problem solved. I grinned feeling like a badass, that I was like the queen of the undead or something. But there weren't just zombies out there. My subconscious reminded me. What if it was the military. I wouldn't stand a chance!

My short lived bravado petered out before it had even taken hold. I could survive a zombie bite, but would I survive a bullet between the eyes? I don't know but I sure as hell do not want to test the theory out.


"Argh!". Startled, I swung my arm out on instinct, slapping a groggy Jay around the face with a resounding crack in the deathly silence.

"Shit! Sorry Jay!" My hands came back down on his face but this time in a soothing manner.

"Hell, what did I do to deserve that?" He groaned. I could hear his hand rubbing against the bristles of his stubble on his cheek.

"Dude! Don't scare me like that! Give a dead girl a warning or something. Sheesh, you nearly started my heart again!."

"Sorry." He chuckled, sounding anything but.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, hoping to divert from the fact that I had just freaked myself out so much that I slapped a broken Jay in the face.

"Like a shark ate my legs." He winced, trying to make himself more comfortable.

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