Chapter One

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I watched from the shadows as four armed guards wrestled a pliant Blake to the ground. I'd just hightailed it across the state and made it to the ARC just in time to see him hand himself over as a not-so-living guinea pig to the government as some selfless and romantic gesture. My heart flipped when I finally realized that I was too late and too damn helpless to do anything about it now.

The brute force that they were using was unnecessary but understandable. Blake was a big guy and though he'd handed himself over willingly they were right to be cautious. After all it was human nature to fear anything that was bigger and stronger than yourself.

I'd known the asshole would do something stupid. It's the only reason I left Agnes's warm body tucked up in my bed while I went to check on him. Something in my gut was telling me that trouble was coming and I instantly knew who would be the cause.

When I'd gone to check on him and found him and his car keys gone, I knew what he was upto. I'd seen it in his eyes earlier that evening, the determination to save Agnes blazing within them. The guy didn't love often but when he did, he loved fiercely and our Agnes had gotten deep under his skin.

Needing a car to chase after Blake, I filled Connor in on what was happening and then without a second thought headed down to Mrs P's apartment, hoping that what I needed was still in the last place that I had seen it. Confident that she was dead, for real this time especially after Connor had explained -in graphic detail- about how he'd taken her head clean off with a kitchen stool, after walking in on her ripping Blake's neck open with her false fucking teeth. The imagery alone was enough to give you nightmares.

Walking through her cold and creepy apartment sent shivers down my spine. The place was empty but I still couldn't help feeling that something was going to jump out on me from every dark corner. I seriously watch too many fucking horror movies.

Making my way to the kitchen, I pinched my nose and breathed through my mouth as the distinct smell of rot and decay began to permeate the air. The smell all too familiar to me, threatened to pull me into a flashback. I knew that I couldn't afford to lose time freaking out in a corner somewhere rocking backwards and forwards while Blake was handing himself over on a silver platter. I needed to get my head out of my ass and help one of my best friends.

I tried my best to ignore the gore in the kitchen, I really did. But the blackened, congealed mass of blood, sinew and body parts spread across the tile in a macabre display, reminiscent of a scene from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" made flashes of my past invade my brain and cause my limbs to seize up. Images of sand covered carcases and children screaming filled my head dragging me back to the desert years before. Raising my hands to my ears I tried to block the sound out, hitting my head with the balls of my hands trying to dislodge the memories pulling me back to a time I have so desperately tried to forget. Blake needed me, Agnes needed me. And I needed to remember that. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to him because of one of her decisions. She was trying to keep us safe by sacrificing herself but the big bastard bet her to it and threw himself in front of the metaphorical bullet before she could martyr herself. Now it was my turn to do the same to save him.

Snapping myself out of my fear and back into the present, I leaned over the rotting corpse of Mrs P holding back the threatening gag as I did and pulled open the drawer that I knew held the keys to her late husband's cadillac parked outback.

Snatching up the rabbit's foot keyring, I turned on my heel and headed out of the apartment without a second glance back, knowing that if I did, I would surely crumble. Exiting the building and down the small dark alleyway that lead around back, I once again found myself wishing that I had come better prepared with a weapon. My only hope was to get to the car quickly and quietly before I could draw any attention to myself.

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