Love letter to Caleb from Dani | Unsent

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Dear Caleb,

I know some people believe in love at first sight, but I don't. You know this since I've discussed this subject with you many times. The reason I don't believe is because I feel like you need to get to know a person before you determine your feelings for them, like how I found my feelings for you.
You never gave me that wow factor when we first met but your kindness pulled me in. You weren't the hottest guy on the block but looks didn't matter that much, what mattered was that you were a friend in the most stressful time in a teenagers life; high school.
How I knew my feelings were starting to develop? It was the night we went ice skating our sophomore year. We both looked ridiculous all bundled up in layers of jackets and scarves. The one sentence I took from that night is when you looked at me and said "I don't care that people are staring, what you think of me is all that matters."
That's when I opened my heart up to something deeper than 'like' and 'friend'. I don't know how you feel about me confessing my feelings but it's been killing me so I needed to get it off my chest.

~ Love, Dani

~ Love, Dani ♡

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