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"I'm sorry.. but did you say Johnson?" I ask slowly as we begin walking out of the corn maze together. I must've broken the tension since his hand is resting against my lower back.

"Yep, my dad is the one that runs the place. I hope you like country boys." He smiles shyly as he holds his other hand up to his bloody nose.

This was going too well for me to mention Claire. Almost too well.

When we make it out of the corn maze the lanterns they have up help me see his face clearly. "You go to Bayview High, right? I've seen you at the football games."

Now I remember him as the cute blonde rival quarterback who had all the girls fawning over him.

"Used to go to Bayview high," He stops walking so I do the same. I make a point to not look him in the eyes as he gives my face a glance over. "I graduated last year."

"Ah, so you're a college guy now." I smile a little as I find a fake blood stain on his tattered shirt to stare at. "Whatcha still doing in this crappy town then?"

"My family, my friends, the animals here on the farm." I freeze when his hand reaches out to touch my face but then I relax when he's just getting a piece of hay out of my hair.

"What? No special girl?" Surely Claire wasn't the family he wanted to stay for. I would flee the moment I got the chance.

"Yes and no." He chuckles before bending his knees a little to get a better look at me. "Girls don't necessarily gravitate towards me in that way."

"I hit you pretty hard." My laugh is genuine and so is his. I can tell by the way his eyes light up and the way he hangs on my every word that he wants to talk to me.

Why can't Caleb look at me that way?

"So... ice pack?" I bite my lip as I rock back on my heels. When I do that I feel a slight wetness in my jeans. And that's when I remember what happened when he scared me...

I completely forgot that when he scared me I peed on myself. Jeez! Could this night get any worse?

"And maybe a clean pair of pants?" I cross my legs awkwardly and wobble a bit because of the off balance stance.

"Clean pair of pants?" He seemed confused for a second before he glanced down at my crossed legs. "Oh... I scared you that bad?"

"Yup." I suck in my bottom lip to keep in a scream. Here it comes, he's going to laugh at me and tell all his friends that the girl he just met peed her pants. He might even tell Claire!

"I can get you something to change into." He chuckles but it's not in any way insulting to me.

"I'm sure I can make it home just fine. I uh.. I have a beach towel in my car that I can wrap up in." I duck my head in embarrassment, my cheeks heating up.

"There's a pair of sweatpants that I won't miss, I have too many of them from football." He wipes his bleeding nose again, the blood slowly drying up. "I say this because my sister isn't too keen on girls borrowing her clothes."

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