- lxxii - Bahrain in 199(1)4

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anon: the world was on fire and nobody could save me but you; it’s strange what desire can make most people do —

Previously on bulletprxxf lxve :

Louis turns back and winks at Liam. “You want some of this?”

“My anaconda don’t want none, hun,” Liam forcefully says.

“My anaconda wants,” Harry whispers to Louis.

“Your anaconda will get,” Louis winks, kissing Harry’s pink cheeks.

Zayn rolls his eyes. “Ugh white people.”

“We’re right here you know,” Liam reminds the couple. “And it’s not pretty. Nobody likes gay porn in a hospital.” Liam sees the glitter in Larry’s eyes and he knows. He knows they already had sex in the hospital. Probably the bathroom, he guesses. As always!

“Actually no,” Louis says seeing Liam’s eyes grow in wonder. “We didn’t have sex in the bathroom but we should have.”

“We should’ve.”

“Where then?” Liam asks, pressing the elevator button. Harry challenges him to guess. Liam ponders for a moment and then guess several places within the hospital building and they are all wrong. Inside the elevator, Liam asks Niall and Zayn to guess as well.

“I’m out,” Zayn says not wanting to join in.

“Wow Zayn, you’re so much fun!” Louis sarcastically says.

“Carry the bloody bag Lou!” Harry scolds Louis who immediately dropped his assigned luggage on the elevator floor.

“Jeez, what’s with you today man hands?”

“Lesbian hair!”



“I love you.”

Harry laughs at his boyfriend. “You ran out of curse words, didn’tcha?”


“Don’t say forever,” Liam groans.

Harry presses his lips down to Louis, his hands at the bottom of Louis’ spine. “Always.”

“Okay, that’s it,” Liam sighs, putting the luggage down. “We need to stop pretending we’re Hazel and Gus, we are not in that stupid movie, okay?”

The boys simultaneously answer, “Okay.”


And now:

HARRY GIVES THE MENU BACK to the male, Arab waiter. He removes his Ray Bans on the table near the long, ice cold glass of water and presses his iPhone to his ear.

It is currently lunch time in Al Manama, the capital city of Bahrain, an exotic, exquisite island located near Saudi Arabia and Qatar as an “escape” trip to somewhere foregin, as Louis requested. It was an attempt to get away from what had been happening to them for the last few days, all the stress and problems were too much that a much needed holiday was awaiting them on the sunny beaches of Bahrain. It was Larry’s second day at Bahrain and they were to stay for a week.

- bulletprxxf lxve --  styl(arry)inson + ziall horlikWhere stories live. Discover now