Chapter 27

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Danielle's POV:

"Any news?" I stood up quickly from my seat in the waiting area.

"Not yet." Simon came back from the front desk.

And I will forever be in the waiting area...

"Good news is we are allowed to see him soon. It's not in too bad of a condition so it's alright. I just don't understand what could've happened. There wasn't any other cars in the crash, just him. And he wasn't on his phone. Do you think it's his fault?" Simon asked confused.

"I don't really think so. Josh is always our 'safe driver.' Something must've happened, right?" I replied almost breathlessly. I just really don't understand.

"Right. Maybe we will have to go back there and see."

"I don't know, simon. I'm not sure if I can handle going back there. It reminds me too much of, you know all that's happened." I said sadly, twiddling my thumbs.

"I know, but don't you want to find out what happened? Come on Dani, the police don't know josh like we do. They'll look past anything." He grabbed my hand.

"Okay, let's just talk to josh first." I sighed. Simon smiled sweetly before kissing my hand and then looking away.

After what seemed like forever and a day (which was realistically about 30 minutes) we were allowed to see Josh as he had awoken. When we walked into the white and blue room, we saw Josh laying helplessly on his bed, a bandage wrapped around his head and and arms. He looked scared to death.

"Josh, how are you feeling?" I knelt down by his bed and held his hand softly because I knew he was feeling weak.

"I am feeling," he paused. "Disgusting, dumb, confused-"

"Wait, why confused?" Simon asked going to his other side.

"I don't know... Look guys, you know me, okay? I am not a bad driver, I definitely didn't cause it its just I-I..." He stopped. "I just know it wasn't my fault. The doctors think it's because of my concussion that I'm acting like this but I'm fine. Emphasis on the word fine. I just lost control of the car, it was so weird. It wasn't my fault." He finished, breathing heavy.

"I know Josh, we'll find out what happened for you. Just rest for now." I smiled softly while he nodded. I know it's not his fault. I-it just can't be. He rested his head back onto his pillow trying to close his eyes.

"Come on, let's go." Simon whispered. I stood up slowly and turned around. It just doesn't make sense. I really didn't see this one coming.

I followed simon out of the room and out of the hospital. We told harry to give us a lift to the crashed car and he brought Aimee along too. Once we got there the memories came back. All of them. Praying that I didn't have another break down, I spoke up.

"Harry just wait here we will be back in five minutes yeah?" I said as I hopped out the car. He nodded while Simon followed me out.

The police were looking at the car and we told them who we were. They finally decided to let us in on the information of the accident.

"Do you know what happened?" Simon asked.

"Not for definite but we are pretty sure." He replied. Then, the police officer walked over to the car with us shortly behind. "By the looks of it, the breaks have been taken out, meaning he could've lost control while going through a sharper turn. The only problem being that the question is why didn't he crash any earlier? If you don't mind, can you tell me how far away you live?"

"A-about 5 minutes with no traffic." I replied, scared of the future news. Millions of questions were running through my mind. The main one being, why were the breaks taken out?

"Ah, I guess that helps us a bit. Do you know why the breaks weren't in?" the officer replied. He looked like a stereo-typical officer with grey hair and beard with a big hat and coat.

"No I-I have no idea what so ever." I stuttered, feeling Simons hand mould with mine, making my heart jump.

"Okay then. If I can just take one of your contact information like email and number for other information later on that would be great. You can take a look around if you want to." The officer smiled sadly.

"Okay Danielle, I'll go look aro-"

"Okay officer. You can have Simons number and I'll look around for a bit!" I cut him off. I know he's scared for me to see and my reaction like before, but I need to see for myself.

Simon looked utterly confused. So, I nodded at him to know I was okay and I walked on. When I looked back simon was writing stuff down on a notepad.

As I walked further into the scene, pictures were burning into my brain like my parents accident, the blood, the bodies, it was terrible.

I looked around the car for a bit and looked where the police had seen the breaks missing.

It took me a while to see, but in the back of the car on the floor was a small golden tube. I picked it up and took the lid off to see it was in fact bright pink lipstick. I has only see this shade of pink on lipstick a few times, and where I've seen it the most is on her.



"Everything okay over there?" Simon shouted from about 10 metres away after talking to another officer about god knows what. I stood up quickly.

I can't tell him now. He'll think I'm accusing her of it. Well, I am. I'm 99.9% sure that she's got something to do with this. I can't. I don't want to fight again.

"Great. Just fine." I called back faking a smiled.

What am I gonna do now?



Sorry I haven't updated in long don't kill me pls

Thanks for reading!

Hopefully I can post more now since it's the holidays so yay! By the way there might be a few problems because it's only roughly edited. My parents keep getting annoyed at me as I'm on my phone xD

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See ya!


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