Chapter 35

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Simon's PoV:

"Simon, hurry up!" Danielle shouted from downstairs. I picked up my vlogging camera, my suitcase and my hand luggage, before turning my bedroom light off and skipping down the stairs.

"I'm here, I'm here." I grinned, looking around the hallway. We were joined with Tobi, Harry, Vikk and Josh who also invited his new girlfriend Freya, which none of us minded. We had already been introduced to each other before, on Danielle's birthday. She seems nice and funny, and she's pretty too. Josh seems to really like her, he's always had a thing for blondes. The other guys (including Lucy and Justin) were going to come a few days later as they still had videos to record, and Justin because he still had work to do. I believe he works at a club somewhere, but I'm really not sure. Additionally, Lucy said she'd go with Justin as he didn't know the guys all that well and she was one of the only ones in our group who knew him better - even though I wasn't entirely sure how they did become close. I decided to ignore that though.

"We're all ready?" Danielle smiled, looking around, standing in front of everyone else at the front door. I could tell she was somewhat nervous about it, but at the same time she was ecstatic.

"We're ready, for the seventh time." Josh laughed putting his arm around Freya.

"Yeah, come on its four in the morning lets just go." Vikk yawned, holding onto the banister. I walked up to the door next to Danielle, and pulled it open.

"Come on, the taxi's here." I smiled.

We loaded our cases and bags into the huge boot of the seven seater taxi and all jumped in. Josh and Freya were in the back, Tobi, Danielle and Vikk sat in the middle and I sat in the front. It was about half an hour to the airport, and Vikk went straight to sleep. Josh and Freya just talked and you could hear their laughs from the front, while Tobi and Danielle were sharing music and dancing. I laughed at them and got out my camera to start vlogging for a while, telling everyone how we were going to America and staying in a rented villa in Ohio. Also, how there would be a house tour soon.

I ended it there and looked back to Danielle and Tobi to see them doing the whip, I laughed and Danielle looked at me, smiled sweetly and looked away.


Danielle's PoV:

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and clenched my fists. Sitting on the still plane, I began to worry.

"Hey, you okay?" Simon asked from the seat next to me. I looked out the window to see the airport behind us and more planes in the distance.

"Just a bit scared, you know how long it's been since I was on a plane, and the first bit's always the worst." I reminded him, looking around to the other side of the blue and orange based seats of the plane. Next to Simon was Vikk with his headphones on, and across the aisle was Tobi on the window seat, Freya in the middle, and then Josh on the outside.

"Don't worry, before you know it we'll be in America. My tip? Go to sleep like Vikk will be doing in ten minutes." Simon laughed looking to Vikk who was yawning every two minutes, too interested in his music to notice.

"How can I sleep when we're going to be 50,000 feet in the air?!" I panicked, clenching my fists even tighter and looking towards Simon with worry on my face.

"Well how did you do it the first time?" Simon asked quietly. I thought back to that time, when I was about nine and slightly scared of heights. I looked out of the window again.

"Well I was with my parents, I sat in the middle of them and held both of their hands, and when we lifted off I'm pretty sure I nearly cut the blood circulation from their hands." I chuckled, looking back to Simon to see he was smiling back at me. "I was sweating, breathing heavily - well kind of like I am now - and my dad looks at me, and goes "Danielle, are you afraid?" I nodded my head and said "Of course I'm afraid." , and so he sits back and smiles a childish grin, and he said "So how are you gonna be a singer if you can't even travel on an airplane?" And so we had this huge conversation about pretty much nothing and before I knew it we were an hour into the flight and I wasn't afraid anymore." I finished, softly smiling.

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