Her Protector II

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Tabby sat in the same spot for hours. Only getting up once to grab the sheet off the bed to cover Olivia's naked body when she noticed the goosebumps covering it. She didn't know what to do. The lady that violated her was passed out on the floor from being beaten.

They told her that this lady was a whore. A slut. Tabby had only ever heard her being referred to as 'Sweet cheeks' or 'whore'. If they had said her name she forgot because they used the slurs so often.

Was it wrong for her to make sure she was okay and breathing? After all it was the same lady that used her mouth to violate her. Molest her. Why should she care?

She was deep in her thoughts when she heard the door to the attic open. Ernesto walked in with a syringe already prepared in hand and set it down when he saw Tabby.

"What are you doing up here alone with her?" Ernesto looked past the girl and saw Olivia on the floor. "She must've been bad last night."

He looked to Tabby who quickly nodded her head to his assumption. Moving out of his way while he walked over to her and knelt down. Checking for her pulse, he nodded when he found it and picked her up to carry her to the bed.

Removing the blanket from her body, he let his hands roam it. Pushing his finger inside of her, he fingered her with it until he felt wetness. Then he added another finger. Making sure to curl them each time he went in and using his thumb to massage her clit.

Even unconscious, her breathing changed as her body got closer and closer. Small, distressed whimpers escaped her lips and her body began to squirm.

"Elliot. Elliot." She whined, which didn't go unnoticed by Ernesto. Only angering him that she still thought of her cop boyfriend, thus encouraging him to speed the pace of his fingers.

He watched as her eyes squeezed tighter while shut before struggling to open. It took her a second to look around the room before she remembered where she was and who was standing over her.

Realizing what he was doing to her, she opened her mouth to plead with him, to beg him, to stop, but before she could say anything he cut her off.

"Take it." He ordered.


"Take it!" He said more aggressively as she tried again to protest.

Fighting against the inevitable, the moment that Ernesto had been patiently waiting for,

she lost.

"Ugh, no!" Olivia whined loudly and turned into the mattress, hiding her face as she came from the work of his fingers yet again.

"Mhmm." He moaned, grabbing the syringe he had previously set down and injecting her vein with the drug mixture with ease. "Somehow you manage to look sexier and sexier every time I make you cum."

Stripping himself of his clothes, he crawled on the bed and hovered over her. Dipping his fingers back into her wetness, he smiled as he dragged his fingers back up and pushed them into her mouth before sucking on them himself.

Groaning at his touch, his scent, and his weight, Olivia struggled to shift her body while his was bearing her down. She could feel his hard member pressing against her lower stomach.

"You want me to fuck you?" His lips were pressed against her bruised skin on her neck as he whispered against it.

Olivia's head was facing the direction of where Tabby still sat. Watching from a distance as Olivia was raped and violated. Olivia could feel the drugs slowly but surely taking over and she couldn't get her thoughts together.

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