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How long has it been?

Has it even been a day?

Is it the same day?

Olivia groaned as she sat up in the bed. Ernesto wasn't on her anymore, she didn't know where he was but at least it wasn't on top of her. She must've passed out while he was...violating her.

She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the bed. Laying on her back, she crossed her arms over her face and let a couple tears roll onto the sheets beneath her.

How could she be so naive? She should've known he was up to something. She shouldn't have cried for help. She should've fought for herself instead of crying. She sighed and shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts away.

She could hear creaking in one of the small closets that held his so called toys. Then he emerged. A camera in his hand and a smirk on his face.

He set down the camera and walked closer to her, gripping her arm. Pulling a needle from his pocket he found one of her veins and began to insert it.

"I don't want it.." she whined.

"You're going to take it though, aren't you?" He looked her in her eyes as he pushed the liquid into her vein. Watching how she responded to it.

The way she fell backwards on the bed and twitched with her eyes shut tight from the uncomfortable yet familiar feeling. Her chest heaving as the drug started to take affect. Then the calmness took over her body. Partially opening her eyes, she looked at him and he smiled. The drug was taking over.

"You ready to make a movie?"


Amanda was pacing in the interrogation room. Not too long ago she received a message from Ernesto. Apologizing for cheating on her. Telling her to do whatever she needed to make things right. Whether it be him take her shopping or her ignore him for a week.

He really cared about her, she thought. She was so lucky to have him in her life. It wasn't even his fault. Olivia came onto him. Not the other way around.

Glancing out the window into the squad room, she saw Elliot walking by. She smiled as a thought came into her mind.

Amanda knew the perfect way to get back at Olivia.


He pulled the camera closer to the bed and grabbed a new lingerie outfit. Changing her into it, he took the time to leave hickeys on her neck while she laid there.

The triangle bra made her breasts sit up more than they already did. Attached to the bra and thong was a harness and garters. A collar was around her neck. Engraved with 'Sweet Cheeks' and a leash attached to it. The complete outfit was a deep, lustful red. He squatted down to face her.

"Do you want me?" He tested her response.

"Hmm. Mhm mhm." She hummed.

"Answer with words sweet cheeks. You want me?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes, sir." She hiccuped with half closed eyes.

He stood and brought the camera closer to the bed before turning it on. He pulled her up on her knees and watched as she arched her back for him. With the camera still recording, he asked her again.

"You want me?" He asked as he stuck yet another needle into her vein.

"Yes, sir!" She unintentionally screamed the last part because of his unexpected intrusion. He had slipped her thong out of the way and forced himself inside of her in no time.

The Beast's RageWhere stories live. Discover now