Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Start from the beginning

"Go away." I said to them. My arm immediately clutched onto my towel pulling it closer to my body. Feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

"Get dressed." The tatted guy demanded. Not a shift in his vision of me. Zayn peered at me giving me a slight smirk. I gulped.

"Where's Blake?" I asked seriously. Zayn's sudden dumbfounded stares turned to a visible obnoxious smirk.

"He left." Zayn stated trying to walk closer to me with his arms wide open. I backed up towards the bathroom.

"Get away from me Zayn." I demanded feeling the door behind me. They both stared at me as if they were going to pummel me.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." The tatted guy mentioned lowly. Walking to get closer to me. I started feeling nauseated at the thought of them. Where is Blake? I can't believe I want Blake in my time of reckoning.

"Why did he leave? He told me I was going with him?" I asked incredulously. Staring at both guys stare at me like a lions prey. Zayn clenched his hair with his fists staring at me with pure disgust squinting his eyes in disbelief.

"You ask so many fucking questions. Shut the fuck up and get dressed. Now." I narrowed my eyes at Zayn's cold remarks. I twisted my gaze to tatted man. Arms wrapped around his chest he was staring at Zayn pissed off. Almost as if he wanted to punch Zayn in the face. I softened my gaze to him hoping he can reassure me. His eyes met mine but they were dead like Zayn's.

"Why did he leave?" I asked him sincerely. He usually answers my questions. I saw a twinkle in his hard exterior stop for a second before being masked again. He sighed.

"He's a busy man he has places he needs to be. Hurry and get your clothes on or we'll get you dressed ourselves." The tatted guy stated hands faltered down in a fist by his pants. Gosh everyone is so hostile this morning. I felt a chill envelope my body.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked scared. I felt goosebumps rise against my skin as the two men stared venomously at me. Dear god. I gulped yet again feeling the hair rise on the back of my neck.

"To his job bitch." Zayn exclaimed annoyed. Sigh there's nothing I can do to back away from this situation. I walked closer to the bed trying to see what outfit was picked out.

It was a off white short dress. Disgusting.

"I'm not wearing that." I shook my head demanding to them.

"Yes you are."

"Pick out something you'll wear then." Zayn and the tatted guy said at the same time. Zayn snickered at the tatted guy.

"She can be disobedient with what he picked. It'll be her fault. Pick out what you want." The tatted guy said.

"Thank you." I said to the tatted guy. I moved past them holding my towel for dear life. I opened the closet that I assumed had to have some clothes for me in. I was indeed correct it had some clothes. Some provocative clothing as well. I moved and saw a black lace under garment set.

"He's gonna be pissed." Zayn stated. I put on the most simple underwear and bra I could find. I grabbed that and then looked at the outfits. I saw a nice white blouse and grey flowy skirt. The skirt looked long enough to cover below my knees which was perfect. I would've chosen some pants but I didn't see any. Of course there were no pants the asshole creep probably wanted it that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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