Chapter 10-Justice

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If it keeps coming back to you, then maybe, just maybe its meant to be ~Unknown

I was leaving her, I had left her. She was now going to be a part of my past. I, however, couldn't leave her at least not without protection. I had to make sure someone I trusted would be looking after her, and I could not ask Lex because she hated me now that I broke her best friend's heart. I had a good reason to break her heart though. I knew she had feelings for someone else, that there was someone she loved more than me, and I wanted her to be happy even if it was without me.

I made my way into the coffee shop. I was meeting up with a friend of mine. We had not talked in a long time, not because we didn't want to but because we lived in completely different worlds. He worked nights and slept during the day. We both made room in our schedule to see each other, and we both knew this would be the last chance we got to see each other considering I was leaving tomorrow. 

"How's life been?" He asked me. 

"It's going good," I answered. "How is it treating you?" 

"Same old, same old, classes have been kicking my ass." I laughed. This boy enjoyed partying but he kept straight A's, I was extremely proud of it. We continued to talk over coffee and donuts. There was a lot to catch up on. We talked about everything until finally, he asked the million-dollar question. "How are you and Jo?" 

"Actually that's what I wanted to talk about." I could tell he got concerned. "We broke up. I need a favor?"


"I need you to take care of her," I explained. "She only met you once and she was drunk so I know she doesn't remember you. I need you to take care of her for me, make sure she stays out of trouble, and if she ever truly gets into huge trouble call me." 

"Sure." He answered. I explained further, he listened to every word I said carefully. I gave him information that would help him get closer to her. I told him enough information for him to know that Jo was a good person who can lose her way when she feels any kind of extreme emotion. "I'll see you next time Justice." 

"Goodbye, Darren," I said as I removed myself from his embrace. 


My office was silent, I have been here for an hour doing paperwork. I wanted nothing more than to go and check up on Jo but she has been ignoring my text messages, and ever since Jordan took her to the doctor's appointment she's been acting strange.

I looked up when my assistant opened my office door. She let me know that I had a visitor. I gave her the okay to let the person in. I continued my work, knowing that I did not need to look back up until the visitor came into my office. My peace was however disturbed because whoever came in was not happy. I looked up to the source of the screaming. 

"Darren?" I stood up and looked at my old friend. When I saw him at the diner with Lex he did pretend like he did not know me as I asked him to all those years ago. I could see he wasn't happy, his breathing was heavy, and his eyes had this bloodlust look. "What's wrong?"

"I am going to say this once." He warned me. "Tell your boyfriend to stay away from her, whatever problems you two have going on she needs to be left out of them." I did not need to ask who was the 'she' he was referring to. I already knew he was talking about Jo. 

"Please calm down," I told him. "I am asking you as your best friend let me deal with this. I will make sure he doesn't hurt Jo. Just relax." 

"No!" He shouted. "You asked me to protect her. You made me promise that I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. That I would always have her best interest in mind, and that is what I am doing. Keep your boyfriend away from her because next time he does something that could hurt her. I will end him." 

Darren didn't say anything else. He stormed out of my office. After that encounter, I did not want to stay in my office. Thankfully I had gotten the important papers done. I could come back tomorrow and finish the paperwork. What left me more confused was that when I talked with Jordan about Jo he told me everything went fine. Based on what Darren said he might have lied to me. Which wouldn't shock me, Jordan is a good guy but sometimes he forgets that. 

    When I arrived got home I just wanted to run a bubble bath. I needed to relax. I took off my heels and made my way to my bedroom. When I opened my room door I saw Jordan my heart broke. He was with his secretary in my bed. 

"Justice." He shot up from the bed quickly and she grabbed her clothes and ran. "Baby let me explain?" 

"There is nothing to explain," I told him as I wiped the tears away. I hated that I was crying, I placed my trust in him and he broke it again. "We are over."

"Justice think about it," Jordan said as he finished getting dressed. "You can't really blame me." 

"What do you mean?" I asked defensively. How could I not blame him for sleeping with his secretary and more importantly sleeping with her in my bed? 

"We were doing fine until you decided to go on with that stupid pregnancy. You have been so busy with your stupid surrogate-" 

I had no idea what came over me. I slapped him, I was tired of hearing him give me stupid excuses. Jordan began to yell, I however did not want to hear him anymore so I left my place. I got into my car and I just began to drive. 

I really didn't pay attention to where I went. When I parked, I laughed and cried a little, I had driven to Jo's house, I guess maybe after all these years she is still my safe place. I wish I knew if she was home but she has been ignoring me. Why hasn't she been answering me? 

Before I knew it my body had a mind of its own. I was out of my car and knocking on her door. When she opened the door she let me in. I wanted to tell her what I had just gone through but I don't know why I didn't. I asked her where her brothers were and each of them was spending the night at a friend's. 

"Where's your son?" 

"With Lex. She babysitting for the night, I needed a self-care day," she explained.

"I should leave then?" 

"It's okay. Stay." I thanked her. Honestly, I had no idea where I would go if she told me to leave. I was grateful. All of this confirmed something I already knew this girl was and always will be my safe place.

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