Chapter 4

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"There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone the light remains." ~Unknown

I ran into the hospital as my mind was racing with a thousand questions. The officer that called me did not say much all he said there had been an accident and my family was being taken to the hospital. When I made a sudden stop at the reception desk I took a deep breath before speaking.

"I got a call that my family was being brought here." The lady looked at me and was about to ask something when I heard my name being yelled. I turned around and felt a body run into me. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around Austin. I took a good look at him he had a couple of cuts and bruises but looked fine.

A nurse had chased after him but stopped when she saw me. I let her know I was his older sister and she told me to follow her and she would take me to my family. I followed her silently too scared to ask questions. We went to what I learned was Austin's room they wanted to keep him overnight for observation.

"Where Cayden?" I instantly began to panic thinking about the possibility of Cayden being hurt. He is only one month old and just like if the doctor heard me he walked in with Cayden. I took him and the doctor explained that he was okay but also that there were officers who wanted to speak to me. I told Austin to stay in the room and watch cartoons and I took Cayden with me. As I carefully walked I looked down at him he was sleeping. He was untouched no bruises on him, nothing.

"Are you Jo Matthews?" Asked the officer, I gave her a gentle nod.

"What happened?" I asked. "Where's my mom and Derek?"

"When your family was driving back from dinner a drunk driver hit them. Derek Matthews died on the scene and your mother has been put into a room." I felt my heart drop when she mentioned the accident. 

"What about my brother Harvey?"

"He is in being is in surgery."

I was led to my mom's room. It took me a moment to be able to walk into her room but when I walked in I wanted to run to her. I wanted to hug her, throw myself on the bed, and cry and ask her to hold me but I knew that right now I needed to be strong, for her and my brothers.

I sat next to her for an hour until finally, she woke up from her sleep. She saw Cayden in my arms and smiled. "Hola mi vida."

"Hi Mami, " I answered. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. How are you, brothers? How's Derek?"

"Derek died." I was never the one to beat around the bush but I wish I didn't have to give her this news because I was giving her news that was breaking her heart. "Harvey should be out of surgery in an hour, Austin is asleep in his room and Cayden he was lucky he doesn't have a scratch on him." My mother smiled at that.

"Jo I need you to promise me something." I took hold of my mother's hand with the hand that I wasn't carrying Cayden with. "If I die-"


"Listen mija," I didn't say another word and listened to what she said. " If I die Cayden will need a mom. He is just a baby. He is gonna need you to be his mom. Promise me that you will raise him as your son." There was no stopping the tears.

"I promise mami."


The night ended with my mother passing away in her sleep. I got full custody of all three boys because that's how it was written in my mother and Derek's will. For us to stay together. I have kept my promise but I have never brought myself to say that I am Cayden's mom. Everyone assumes I am, even Austin and Harvey call themselves his uncle so why was it so hard for me to say that he is my son. I am trying to keep my promise, I hope I will keep it. I just need time for my brain to adjust to the idea.

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