Chapter 2

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"Trust the timing of your life." ~Unknown

    My shift was over and I had the next two days off thankfully. Today was the day that I was going to be talking to Candy Jacobs. I was definitely a bit nervous but I was not going to back down from this. I needed to pay Austin's medical bill and Harvey was insisting he could get a job to help out but I wanted him to focus on school, go to college, and graduate. Unlike me, I was writing on my free time and sending my works to publishers hoping that one of them would like my writing and decide to publish it. 

I made my way into the building. In the building, I was greeted by a nice lady. She let me know that Mrs. Jacobs was already waiting for me. I went to where I was told. I took a second before knocking. When I did I was instantly told to go in. 

"Hi, Jo how are you doing?" Mrs. Jacobs asked and I looked at her green eyes and they seemed genuine. Mrs. Joacobs has been a part of my life since I become friends with Lex but after some time I stopped going around because life got busy and responsibilities were unavoidable. 

"I'm doing good. How about yourself Mrs. Jacobs?" She said she was fine, let me know she was ready to talk business and motioned for me to sit on the chair in front of her desk. Mrs. Jacobs sensed my nerves and she talked to me for a while. She talked to me about what exactly I would be doing and explained it in farther detail. She also let me know that if I wasn't ready she would completely understand it. She made it clear that not everyone had the mentality to be a surrogate. 

I assure her that I was 100 percent ready to go through with the surrogacy and she just smiled. In the last two days before coming to see her, I went to see a therapist and they cleared me emotionally stable to be able to be a surrogate and she also sent me to get checked up by a doctor, of course, her company paid and the doctor as well gave me a clean bill of health. 

We went through all the paperwork together and talked about what it meant, she also answered any questions I had. She let me know about how it would work and the fact that I would not be meeting the people that I would be surrogating for until I had a positive pregnancy test and a confirmation from a doctor. I would also be getting paid to be inseminated, which was a bit of a shock to hear, but she explained that for right now the biological parents did not want any emotional attachments. 

  When I made my way out of the building I did not feel much different. I knew I was supposed to feel different because they did do the insemination and I signed a contract. I really did not want to break my head over everything that I just did because I still had to go and explain to my brothers that my body might be changing sometime within the next couple of months.

Once at the apartment things were going calm. Austin was sitting at the table doing some homework, Harvey was cooking, and Cayden was laying on a blanket on the floor. I smiled and picked up Cayden. I talked to the smiling baby and then went up to say hi to the two older boys.

"Hey, you guys. Family meeting after dinner?" 

"Yes." Both Harvey and Austin agreed. We did family meetings usually once a month it was a way to check in with each other and see how we were doing and also to talk about the plan of surviving the next month because money was usually tough. 

We ate peacefully, Harvey has made some spaghetti. It was nothing big but it was enough for me and Harvey to get a plate and Austin and Cayden to eat two plates. We all cleaned up together I did the dishes considering that Harvey cooked and well Austin had a broken arm. 

We sat together on the living room floor and stared at each other for a while silently. "Are we getting evicted?" Austin asked breaking the silence. 

"No." I say quickly. "We are okay, we have money for rent and food but I kinda got a new job." 

"Tell me you are not a stripper." Harvey pleaded. I threw a soft punch at him.

"No, I am not a stripper. You guys remember Lex's mom?" I waited for them to give me some sign that they were still paying attention. "Her company is a surrogacy company she offered me a job as a surrogate and I accepted."

"How?" Harvey stated. I could tell by his tone he was upset. "if you can barely bring yourself to call yourself Cayden's mom." I looked down at Cayden who was sitting on my lap and he was right. When my mother died and I was taking full custody of my brother the social worker recommended that I raise Cayden as my own because he was only one month old. She explained how he would need a mother and I agreed, of course, I would be his mother but it was hard when I was his sister first. Harvey and Austin tell Cayden I am his mother but I have personally never said those words out loud. I haven't brought myself to do it yet.

"I know that," I answered. "However, this won't be my child it will be someone else's and I know that and as for Cayden he is mine and that is never changing I just need to wrap my head around it." I explained. The older boys just nod. 

"I could have just gotten a job to help out." Harvey mumbled. 

"No, your job is school that's it. Everything else is my responsibility understand.?" Harvey and Austin nodded and hugged me. I knew Harvey felt frustrated that I didn't let him help but I knew he understood I was only doing it out of love. 

The boys headed to bed and stayed up with Cayden who was not going to sleep. So I let him crawl around in the living room while I did some light cleaning. When I was finished I picked him up and went to my room. I place him in his crib but he refused to stay. 

"Okay buddy, you get to sleep in my bed but only for tonight," I said to the nine-month-old, but we both knew that the words I spoke were lies, he always sleeps on my bed because I give in. I laid us down on the bed and placed a kiss on his forehead. I watched him until he slowly started closing his eyes and drifted off to sleep. "Sweet dreams baby boy."

I could never get over how innocent he was, he doesn't know the chaos we are going through. All he knows is that we are his family and we love him.

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