Chapter 3- Justice

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"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange to be coincidences." ~Unkown


I have not been back to my hometown since I left nearly three ago. After I set up Just Inc., my company, I left. I was too hurt to remain in this place, I needed a fresh start away from the place that only reminded me of the girl that broke my heart. 

I moved to New York and in New York, I met Jordan who was a young businessman, our love for business is what connected us. He invited me for coffee and we just hit it off. He was a sweet man we didn't make our relationship public until we were together for a couple of months. We were both constantly in the eyes of the media.

When I had to return he decided to come back with me but we also were both walking on thin ice because I told him that I wanted a baby and he refused to have one. He thought kids were a waste of time, a distraction from the things that were actually imporant like a business. I decided that despite his opinion I was going to be a mother. I decided to use a surrogate and today I was going to be choosing the woman who would be carrying my baby. 

A friend from New York recommended Candy Jacobs who had a successful surrogacy company, my friend explained that Mrs. Jacobs did everything in a very serious manner and my favorite thing is that I if wanted nothing to do with the surrogate I had that option. I just needed to meet her once to make sure she is real and them see her at the labor. This was simply a business that would end up giving me the best thing I could ask for.

"Hi, I have a meeting with Candy Jacobs." I told the receptionist. 


"Justice Taylor." She gave me directions to the office, I thanked her and walked away. 

Once in the office, Mrs. Jacobs and I officially introduced ourselves and we had a small conversation about life. After that, we got down to what was really important. 

"Okay, the way I like to do this is I asked the eligible surrogates to write a paragraph about themselves. You chose the surrogate you want based on what they wrote and eventually when we are sure she is pregnant you two can meet. From what I understand you just want a formal relationship with the surrogate correct?" 

I gave her a small nod and she gave me a stack of papers that had nothing but initials on them and a paragraph. As I read through a couple I was bored. Most were along the same lines of only wanting to help people get a baby. Also about how they are happily married or just really excited to help. By like the twentieth one I was finally interested. 

Hey, so I am going to confess I am really not sure what to write. I am supposed to tell you about myself but there isn't really much to say. I am a writer, hopefully, one day I can write a script good enough to be made into a film. I would like to say that I am doing this because I feel like if it is a calling but that would be a lie. I am doing this because life pushed me to it but I will confess that I am excited to help you have your child. I promise to take care of them while they are in my stomach.

"This one." I told Mrs. Jacobs and she smiled. She let me know when they would set the insemination date and when I would receive news if the surrogate was pregnant or not. 

We went through the paperwork and I signed everything that needed to be signed. We talked money and when I needed to pay for everything and finally we talked about my responsibility to the surrogate. Like paying her medical bills and send her money for clothes. Basically covering all the expenses that had to do with the baby. 

As the days went by it finally hit me like a truck. I might possibly be a mother, there is a woman out there that can possibly be pregnant with my child. Of course, I had to wait a couple of weeks to find out because according to Mrs. Jacobs, I would not get a call until she has an ultrasound for me to be able to see.

I hated to admit it but since I returned I had been dying to see how Jo is doing but I could not bring myself to do it. I did not want to see her but I also wanted to make sure she was okay. I wanted to make sure she was still alive. A small part of me feared she would become non-caring about her life, that she become reckless. 

"Justice!" The voice said bringing me back into the conversation we were having. 

"I am sorry, what was the question?" 

"We wanted to know is you would be attending the LGBT film gala because you are one of the major business woman's that is out and proud." My agent told me. I looked down at her confused, 

"Why ask, of course, I am going to be there." My agent smiled and I knew that meant that she was ready to go wild with finding what I was going to wear and if I was going to be taking Jordan with me. Which if I am being honest she isn't Jordan's biggest fan.

After the meeting ended I left to get dinner at one of my favorite places. I went to Reyes and so many memories ran through my mind. So many memories about me and her. Reyes was the first place I kissed her and it was also where we had our first date but now it just held memories nothing more.

When I entered Reyes I saw one familiar face but she was most definitely not happy to see me. I smiled at Lex. She rushed to me and instantly dragged me to the locker room. "What are you doing here?" Her tone was very defensive. 

"I came to eat." I answered confused.  

"Not here, here. Here in Zenda." She told me.

"Business." I took a moment before speaking again. "How is-" I was cut off by Lex. 

"You don't get to know that. You don't get to ask about her or even think about her. Please Justice if you ever truly loved her you will not look for her here. Leave her alone." Lex is a really sweet girl but when it comes to Jo she wuldn't hesitate to murder the person that hurt her.

I gave Lex a nod. She was right I shouldn't be looking for her, she has probably already made her life. Just like I did. Who was I to come back into her life after all this time?

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