Chapter 9 - "Please Rescue Me"

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To start off, let me just say that I know the story style changes like every chapter. I am currently trying to find a style I like, but when I try something, it doesn't stick for long. I've gotten some very good advice on what I can add to let the story go into more depth. So basically ima try to explain the chapters, memories, and plainly just what the heck is going on in the story better. I will try to address more of the story. It might take me a bit of time to actually find a good way to write, but stick with me.

Yah, so the next chapters are going to be weird as I figure out what to explain and what to skip over. I'd love any extra advice on it! I think I'll keep it in no one's perspective for most of the chapter, but idk. I'll keep you guys updated on anything that might change!

~~~ No One's POV (every chapter is going to start like this, maybe, so get used to it.)
- With Yugi

Yugi was now in a dark room. It was similar to the previous cell he had been in. The man laid on the cold floor, still unconscious. There was only a small amount of straw in the corner of this room. It complemented the chains coming from the back wall. These were hooked up to Yugi. There was one on either wrist, ankle, and one around his neck. Ushio really didn't want him to escape, seeing that these chains were very thick.

A groan came from the now somewhat conscious Yugi. He didn't open his eyes, but let out a small cough. His wounds were terrible. There were marks and gashes all across his body. Most of the blood around his wounds had dried. His clothes were absolutely torn, picture a sheep with random large spots where it had no wool.

Yugi slowly opened his eyes, taking in the immense darkness. His vision was blurry for the few short moments until his eyes adjusted. The room smelt of oil and mold. Yugi concluded that he was in some type of basement or underground storage room. His second guess was far from it, since there were no shelves or any items in the room.

The memories of what had occurred flooded into his mind. He was taken from the cell with Mokuba, Yugi hoped he was alright. Even in many difficult situations, Yugi would stay level headed and try not to get worked up. Yugi was chained and whipped, creating many wounds on the man's body. He shivered and flinched repeatedly at the remembrance of the abuse. Yugi felt the wound that stretched across his abdomen, this one hurt the most. Yugi felt the crumbling of the dried blood against his fingers. He had lost a lot of blood at that time.

What had Yugi done to deserve this? Was he so vulnerable that Ushio would capture and torture him? Was Yugi this weak in others minds? Many thoughts crossed Yugi's mind as it drifted to Yami. Yami. He still hadn't come to rescue him. Yugi had repeatedly called out for his love, but there was no answer. Yugi was honest to himself, Yami couldn't find him. If the other children haven't been found in so long, he probably wouldn't either. This thought made Yugi wilt. He only longed for Yami's touch once again.

"Finally awake, brat!" Ushio's voice commanded Yugi out of his trance. Yugi instantly shivered at the sound. He didn't want to be whipped again, but he could do nothing to stop him. Yugi struggled to sit up, with the heavy chains connected to his body. Yugi leaned his body against the wall, lifting his head to look at the man before him.

Yugi now got a better image of Ushio, even if it was still dark. Ushio was easily twice his size and larger than when Yugi had seen him last. There were bloodstains across Ushio's button up shirt and jeans. He still wore the same cap Yugi had seen when he was knocked unconscious. As Yugi finished looking over Ushio, a grin crossed the evil man's face. 

"You look ready for some more punishment, Yu-gi." Ushio purposefully broke apart Yugi's name, letting the horror sink in. Yugi was going to be beaten again, and not at a card game. Even though Yugi clearly knew that Ushio didn't like his guts for something that happened so long ago, there must have been another reason for it. It was exactly that, years ago. Yugi completely forgot Ushio existed, trying to only live a simple life. He tried to speak up but it came out crunchy, because of his dry throat.

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