Chapter 6 - New Home

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Yami's POV

The sun peaked through the thick curtains. My mind was still elsewhere as I was slowly waking up. I felt arms around my waist. My aibou was still sleeping, cozying up against my body. I could tell he was also starting to wake up. "Good morning koi." I could hear a small voice call from my chest.

"Aibou, you still look so tired, go back to sleep." I whispered towards Yugi as he looked up at me. "Oh how I would love that, but I've got school today." Oh yah, he mentioned something about online classes. I checked the time, it was 9:45. "Love, what time do your classes start?" He grumbled but spoke to me. "Something like 10 or so, why?" I laughed a bit. "Well, its 9:45 now. You'd probably want to get up and get dressed before then.

Yugi instantly shot up from my chest, crawling off the bed. He knocked the covers off of my top half, letting the cold air touch my skin. "It's so cold." I said with pretty eyes trying to get my aibou to put the sheets back over me. He sighed covering my face with them. "If I'm going to get up, you could too." I could hear the small annoyance in his voice as he grabbed a pair of clothes and went into the bathroom.

I pulled the sheets from my face and sat up. "That little troublemaker!" I said loud enough for Yugi to hear. I could hear him laugh, god that was so cute. Sitting up, I could see a small white bottle. I wondered what it was, so I got up and grabbed it. As I thought, I couldn't read any of the writing on it. I set it back down just in time for Yugi to walk back into the room. He threw on a t-shirt and some shorts. "I've got to go on my online class now, so hang out downstairs for a bit koi." I loved it when he called me that, but I grumbled at his words. "Do I have to leave." I said like a sad puppy dog. Yugi threw a shirt at me and kicked me downstairs. I guess he was serious about school, one of the things that never changed.

Yugi was upstairs for what felt like forever. I laid on the couch and turned on the tv. It was all history channels and boring tv shows. That is until I came across one of the news stations. "Be on the lookout for an average sized man wearing a blue baseball cap. Reports show this man has been kidnapping children and older teens recently in Domino city." It showed a blurred picture of the man. I could make out the blue hat but the face was to blurry to make out. I probably shouldn't let Yugi go anywhere, even though he looks older, he fits the description almost perfectly. "The man lures children away from crowds, so stay away from any potential danger. Please keep a watch on children at all times." The woman reporting the news was very serous looking. I could tell it was a big problem. Usually, they didn't put things on the news unless it was dangerous, I'd better be careful.

I turned off the tv, only to see that it was 11:30. It had only been an hour and a half since Yugi kicked me out. This is going to last forever! After complaining about not being able to snuggle on aibou, I heard the door click open. "Yugi, I'm home!" I could hear an old voice boom through the house. I guess grandpa is home. I ran over to him. "Let me help you with those, grandpa." I took his bags about to walk away when he spoke. "Yugi? No, he's probably doing his schoolwork...Wait, pharoah?" He looked at me shocked, well, everyone did when they first found out.

"It's me, grandpa." I smiled at him giving Solomon a bear hug. "It's so nice to see you again pharoah." He broke the hug, walking into the livingroom. I ran to Solomon's room, putting his bags on his bed, then went back to the couch. "How have you been?" I asked the older man as he relaxed on the couch. "I've been doing good for an old man." He said with a smile. "I have some news, but I'll wait until Yugi comes down." Both of us made small talk for a little while longer until Yugi waltzed downstairs.

"Hey Yugi, I'm back from my trip." Solomon rose from the couch, proceeding to give Yugi the same hug I received. "I thought you weren't coming back until tonight? What made you decide to come back early?" Yugi questioned his grandfather, but he just shrugged. "I missed you too much, my boy!" Solomon smiled at Yugi, he just laughed. "Well, I'm glad your back!" Yugi have his grandpa one last hug as he joined me on the couch.

Just Say The Truth (YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now