Chapter 10 - This Shouldn't Be Goodbye

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Sorry about the very late update. I made this chapter ish long considering that usually I keep it between 1000 and 3000 words. I'd like to know what you think about the story and ideas for how it could get more dangerous. I want to add more elements before I wrap it up at something like 15 - 20 chapters. Also, this chapter is going to be a bit choppy. I didn't really know how to write this part. Please Comment and Vote! Now, on with the story.

- Outside the factory

The moon was high in the dark sky. The three men were nervous, but hopeful. The cover of darkness shielded them from sight as they went over the plan once more. "Group A will scout the area, while Group B finds a secure way in without triggering the security system." Kaiba paused for a brief second to make sure the men heard his orders. "This factory hasn't been in use for a short time, even so, the security system should still be up and running." Kaiba, Joey, and Yami themselves were a singular group. After a safe entrance was found, they would enter. Their task was to find and rescue Mokuba and Yugi. Kaiba made sure to have an extra group on standby in case an emergency came up.

"Ready Yami, Seto?" Joey spoke up after Kaiba had finished and the men had dispersed. The pressure must have gotten to him, he was never like this. Yami held his pocket, where his phone was stashed. He was just as nervous and hopeful as Joey, they wanted their friend back. "Joey, pharoah, follow me." Kaiba's short words snapped the men into a ready state. Kaiba pressed a few buttons on the device strapped to his arm, activating a hologram map. 

"The tracker I put on Mokuba leads to an underground area. He'd keep it on him, so that's our best bet. Best case senario, Yugi's there too and we get out without a scratch." Kaiba's face drained of color a bit. "Worst case, Mokuba and Yugi aren't in that location, or worse." None of them even wanted to think about the other scenario. Kaiba looked back up, taking two small devices out of his pocket. He handed one to Joey and the other to Yami. "This is for if we get separated, I can track both of you down and you can do the same. Yami had no clue how this thing worked, so he watched Joey. Joey put the small device on his ear, so Yami did the same. "It is also a ways of communication, don't loose it." Kaiba had a stern face on. These small products cost him a fortune to manufacture.

Every man was now prepped and ready. The scouting team returned, notifying Kaiba there was no guards or anybody for that matter. Yami was very nervous just sitting down, but he could do nothing to help at the time. After a few short moments, the other team returned with a digital map, marked with safe areas of entrance. Kaiba organized all of the information, creating a similar map with marks for their entrance, pathway to the underground, and one for escape.

"Let's go." The cold Kaiba followed where the marks were on the map, as Joey and Yami quickly followed behind. Team A and B were left to guard the area, while an extra team followed far behind Kaiba, Joey, and Yami. They stayed in the shadows, attempting to not make any sounds as they found the entry point. Kaiba opened the section of the building for entry. They went into the small space, not fit for men of their caliber.

After following the maze of rooms and passageways, they were somewhere in the basement. "Is that child cryin'?" Joey became uncomfortable as he heard many sounds with his dog like hearing.

"There must be more than just Mokuba and Yugi down here." Kaiba spoke but still trekked forward. The third group was ready and waiting behind Yami as they made their way through the large, winding, basement. The cries of small children grew as the group went further into the darkness.

"I want my mommy!" The group was close enough to hear the children's words.

"I've been here for god knows how long, no one is coming..." There was a sad voice from a different section of the room.

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