Chapter 14 - Just Say The Truth

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Honestly, the last chapter would have been a great place to finish this story... But every ending needs a good after story. So, it'll end for real this time... This is the final chapter!


"Could I have some help getting into my wheelchair, Koi?" Yugi was finally able to be discharged from the hospital, after about a month of recovery. On one hand, his heart replacement was pumping better than his other heart ever did. But, his legs needed to heal more, which meant physical therapy until he could walk normally again.

"Of course Aibou, that's what I'm here for." There was an especially cheery smile on Yami's face, he might have been more excited to see Yugi get out of the hospital than the boy did himself. Yami had stayed with Yugi through the whole process, including the past month in a hospital room.

A smile plastered across both faces as one wheeled the other out of the hospital. With a swift motion, Yami pulled out his new phone. Since he had finally gotten the hang of using it, that made it all the better. He dialed the number of a specific CEO, one who would be their chauffer back home.

"Yes, it's me... Just discharged, how long? Alright, thank you." A quick phone call and within minutes, a smooth black car pulled into the pick up lane. Two men wearing black suits and shades rose out of the car, walking over to the look-alikes. Yami helped Yugi into the car, then sitting in the back with him.

"I can't wait to finally go back home! Yugi was very excited about returning. It had been weeks since he was last at his new home. Little did he know, Yami and all of his friends had a little surprise waiting for him.

Yami held Yugi's hand the whole time as his little lover watched the clouds pass by. "It's so pretty. Everything looks very different from the hospital window." Yugi laughed thinking about all the time he spent in that tiny room. There were good times, especially when Yami was there.

"It sure is." Yami smiled to Yugi as all that was given back was a sweet smile of his own. Driving home took almost no time at all considering that the look alike was focused on his cute lover.

The car was parked on the driveway as the driver got out and opened the door. "Thank you." Yami got out first, then reached for Yugi. Since Yugi still couldn't walk, Yami had an amazing idea.

"Where's the wheelchair?" This was when a shocked expression came over Yugi, Yami was holding him like a princess. "Yami!" A dark red blush covered his whole face as Yami only had a slight blush from Yugi's cute appearance.

Yugi hid in Yami's chest as the front door opened. "Welcome home!" A whole group of people stood in the doorway, cheering for their friends return. Grandpa stood in front as Joey, Kaiba, Tristan, Teá, and Ryou stood around him.

A nervous Yugi soon loosened up when he was put down on the couch. His friends talking to him on every direction. "I didn't think you'd be back from America, Teá." She laughed a small bit.

"I would never miss out on my friends release from the hospital. By the way, don't you have something you want to tell us?" Teá gave seductive looking eyes at Yami who was in the kitchen, knowing full well something was up.

Yugi's blush returned as he stuttered for an answer. "Y-Yami, I, Well he asked...Yami proposed to me." A nice smile showed up on his face after he spoke. His 5 friends didn't know about this. Only Yami and grandpa originally knew.

"Really!? That's great Yug!" Yugi shyly held up his hand with the couple ring. It glistened in the light of an overhead light. "That's one beautiful gem!" Joey admired it but Kaiba pulled him backwards. "Hey!" A hand was put over his mouth as a different person spoke.

Just Say The Truth (YamixYugi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora