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Namjoon knocked on a door, double checking on his phone if he had the right address. It took a moment as he stood in the dirty hallway, Yoongi by his side, and when the door opened Seraphine's slightly familiar frame stood there. She stared at the two boys as look of mixed confusion and nerves swirled in her bright green eyes.

"Namjoon? What are you doing here? And... Yoongi?"

"May we come in? I apologize for showing up uninvited, but it's important."

"Why...?" Seraphine questioned and Namjoon tensed up just briefly. Seraphine has always been a nice and welcoming person but now she seemed cautious, skeptical.

"You know why." Namjoon said and she met both of their gazes before opening the door further. She shut it behind them and gestured for them to sit at the counter, which they did.

"Is Taehyung here?" Yoongi said and she bristled.

"No. He's at his apartment."

"We'd like to discuss some things with you." Yoongi said, unsure of how much time they had to spare. "About Taehyung."

"What is it?" She said, crossing her arms. Namjoon suspected that she would get defensive, after all, her love for this man was so strong she willingly covered up murders for him.

"We are worried about him." Namjoon said, his voice taking on a calming element to help ease the situation. "After that phone call, I need to know what's going on. Taehyung is my patient, but I'm concerned. I'm asking you to explain. Please."

"Explain what?" She mumbled.

"Everything. Why he is the way he is. His relationship with Park Jimin. Anybody else he hasn't told Namjoon about."

"I'm not saying anything." She snapped, glaring at them. "You have no right to come into my house and demand answered like you're the law itself. Taehyung will tell you whatever he wants, it's his business. Not yours."

"Seraphine, if you don't explain I'm afraid I'll have to take everything to the police-"

"You have nothing to accuse him of-!"

"Murder." Yoongi said. Seraphines lips pursed.

"That's ridiculous-!"

"Rape." Namjoon said. Both of them looked at him with wide eyes, Yoongi's full of shock and Seraphine's full of terror.

Technically, the phone call was made out of Namjoon's work hours. Taehyung was not his patient at the time, so he wasn't breaking rules in this very moment.

"He cannot control himself. That is clear as day. There are too many questions, too many scrambled answers. I will take this case to the police-or figure it out myself before so- if you do not start talking."


Namjoon was much scarier when he was asking for something so straight forward. But Seraphine stood her ground.

"You know none of it is his fault. None of it." She snarled. "It's V. He's doing it. Taehyung is just the victim."

"He's a possible threat." Yoongi said, shaking his head at how confusing this all was. For a while now, he had wanted it all to make sense, but apparently it had to get even messier before things got fixed. "We can't just let that go."

"Leave." She said, glaring angrily at the counter. "You know nothing. Get out of my house."

Namjoon stood up without questioning and Yoongi reluctantly trailed after him, but before they left, he looked over his shoulder.

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