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Namjoon eventually got a hold of Yoongi and the worst alliance was formed. He learned that the older had his suspicions whilst working with the strange boy that was Kim Taehyung and Namjoon said the bare minimum of necessary things. He was a good man and still honored patient confidentiality and Yoongi respected that aspect of Namjoon. They came up with a few accusations and they weren't exactly proved yet, but strange things were going on and the two of them would get to the bottom of it together.

Starting out where it all began at the convenience store. Before, Yoongi had over looked the camera accident and the overly chemically scented store, but now it was just suspicious. And then he thought about the cops coming around and even though it was basically protocol, he wondered why Taehyung had gotten so nervous that day. Surely it was more than just worry.

"We won't find much until we can talk with Taehyung." Namjoon said, approaching the counter. Yoongi was behind it, hoping he could salvage the security footage from all those nights ago.

"I want to collect as much evidence as we can before we approach him. We wouldn't want to start something we can prevent."

"That's true." Namjoon sighed. Yoongi groaned in frustration when he found nothing in the camera memory. "Is there anybody else in Taehyung's life besides Seraphine?"

"No. Just them and me. And regulars here, though J doubt he talks to many of them."

"He is quite distant..."

"Yeah. It's sad, what happened to that Park Jimin guy. He used to come here a lot."

"Did him and Taehyung know each other?"

"Maybe..." Yoongi said, and his eyes flickered as the inner gears inside his mind spun. "Actually, we could look through some of the useless footage and see if they talked much."

"Good idea." Namjoon moved around the counter and leaned against it as Yoongi pulled up some footage. The went back to recorded dated from before Jimin's 'suicide' ended up on the news. It took some digging and s few minutes but they discovered multiple encounters between Jimin and Taehyung. It was clear that their relationship was different, given away by Taehyung's soft smiles and Jimin's flirtatious winks. "It seems like they had a friendship of sorts." Namjoon concluded, looking away as he thought aloud. "Wouldn't Taehyung grieve for Jimin if they were this close?"

"Well yeah. If they were friends then he'd mourn. He's sad everyday though, so it's hard to tell when he's mourning or just depressed."

"If he was mourning for a friend, wouldn't he have mentioned said lost friend during our sessions?"

"It would make sense... but maybe he wanted to keep Jimin a secret."

"Why?" Namjoon said, and the single word let both boys silent. "Why would Taehyung never mention Jimin if he was a good friend? Why did he keep him a secret?"

"Sounds sketchy to me." Yoongi hummed. "The police said he committed suicide though. Taehyung didn't do anything."

Namjoon though about the many hints and signals he noticed in each sensation he had with Taehyung. And the strange phone call from Seraphine that left an uneasy pit in his chest.

"It just doesn't make sense." Namjoon said. "Jimin seemed like a genuinely happy guy. Why would he commit suicide?"

"He didn't have anybody." Yoongi said. "I remember seeing the case on the news. Jimin was alone."

"I don't know..." Namjoon muttered. "Something doesn't feel right here. Let's think about this as if Taehyung did hurt Jimin."

"Why would he? It's obvious that they had a good relationship."

"Too good." Namjoon pointed out. "He's told me about how long he's been with Seraphine. About how much he loves her. Jimin got to close to him, and he allowed it to happen. He probably got scared."

"That's not enough to kill someone and frame it as suicide." Yoongi scoffed, though he seemed to be second guessing himself. "Taehyung is crazy, but he's not crazy." He said, as if it was a question and he couldn't even decide what was right anymore.

"If you're mentally unstable, then it could be a factor. And maybe Jimin found out something that we don't know. So maybe Taehyung did what he thought had to be done."

"We're talking about potential murder here, Namjoon." Yoongi said and he turned, staring into Namjoon's eyes with an equal amount of sternness and seriousness. "You've got to tell me about the red flags. The things you've saw and heard during your secessions."

"I can't." Namjoon said. "I can't do that. I can't bring myself to break those promises."

"But you know things Namjoon. Come on. Put them together and tell me if it's worth talking to Taehyung."

"I-..." He whispered, gulping. He seemed conflicted and Yoongi waited patiently, looking at him with his warm eyes. "I think we should talk with Seraphine first. She most likely knows more than I do. I know she does."

"Alright then. Let's go." Yoongi said. Namjoon looked confused as he snatched the keys to the store off the counter and headed towards the door. As he pushed it, someone from the outside stepped back and as the door opened Namjoon recognized Yoongi's boyfriend. "Oh. Hobi."

"Where're you going?" Hoseok asked, then looked over Yoongi's shoulder, now aware of Namjoon's presence. "Your shift doesn't end any time soon..."

"We have some business. Would you mind watching the register for me?"


"I know, it's not your job, but this is really important." Yoongi said and Namjoon looked away as he stepped forward and cupped his boyfriend's cheek. "Trust me, okay?"

"If it's important, shouldn't I know?"

"With all due respect," Namjoon said, clearing his throat to capture the two's attention. "I firmly believe that the less people who get involved, the better. It is for your safety, Hoseok."

"What does he mean?" Hoseok whispered, pretty eyes going wide as he looked at Yoongi. Yoongi frowned and pushed a lock of orange hair behind his ear, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"It's nothing to worry about-"

"Are you in danger? Yoongi, please tell me what's going on."

"I can't." Yoongi said. "Not right now. We need to go, please watch the store." He seemed reluctant as he moved aside, slipping outside. Namjoon followed him, inclining his head towards Hoseok as he passed him. Yoongi still wore an evident frown as they got into Namjoon's car and drove down the street.

Things were about to get real nasty, and both of them could sense it in the silence of the car.

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