Chapter 19

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I can't believe what's just come out of his mouth, did I hear him right, he wants me to be his girlfriend?.

"Are you serious?" I gasped.

"Yeah, and you're kind of making me panic by not answering me" he chuckled.

"Oh yeah sorry, wait what? You seriously want me to be your girlfriend? And you my boyfriend"

"There is nothing else in the world I want more, so will you?" He looked pleadingly.

"Yeah, of course" I nodded.

Harry smiled and let out a deep breath that he must of been holding in.

I can't believe it, I'm officially harry girlfriend and I feel like in on cloud 9, Katie and Chloe pissed me off and now their the last thing I'm thinking about.

"Right then are you ready to leave?" Harry asked.

"Yeah" I nodded and stood up.

We walked over to the till and harry paid, but before doing so he warned me not to try and help pay so I kept quiet.

Our hands intertwined as we left the restaurant, once we were by he car he stopped walking and spun me around to face him, his lips crashed into mine and I responded straight away by kissing back and moving my hands to around his neck, there is nothing I love more than kissing harry and I would happily do it for the rest of my life.

"We best get you home, before I get my ass kicked for keeping you out too late" harry mumbled against my lips.

"I guess, I couldn't stand to see you hurt" I laughed.

"Same goes to you, I'm dreading when you have to give birth, it's honestly going to kill me" he said and opened the car door for me.

I climbed in then he shut it and walked around, getting in himself.

"Why don't you want to see me give birth? I need you in there with me" I panicked.

"Oh no I will be there, I promise, it's just you're going to be in pain, and I don't think I will be able to stand seeing you in so much pain" he explained.

"I know I'm dreading it as well but we're getting something much better at the end of it" I smiled.

"I couldn't agree more" he nodded.


I was extremely bored, just in my room all alone, and truth be told I was missing harry, really badly.

I told my mum that we're together now and she's happy and glad jakes out the picture, she admitted she never really like him she just pretended to because of me.

Last night was such a good night for me, and even if me and harry don't last even though I wish we will I will never forget the speech he gave.

I need to see him, I'll ring him and see if he wants to have a movie day with me.

He picked up in the third ring and hearing his voice made a smile appear on my face.

"Hello love" he spoke.

"Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and have a movie day with me, I'm bored and I miss you" I chuckled at how sad I sounded.

"Of course I will, oh and lucy"


"I miss you as well"

My heart flitted and I tried to stop myself from squealing down the phone.

"I'll see you soon harry" I said and hung up.

Within fifteen minutes there was a knock on the front door and I was too lazy to go open in so I let my mum answer it.

"Lucy, Harry's here" she shouted upstairs.

"I know, send him up" I shouted up.

Thirty seconds later my bedroom door opened revealing my wonderful boyfriend.

"Hello" I said as I was snuggled up in my blankets.

"Hey, how you doing?" He asked as he walked to my bed and took off his shoes before climbing in bed and cuddling up to me.

"I'm good, I just needed cuddles and to watch films all day" I laughed and harry chuckled.

"So you're using me" he teased.

"Yeah, but please don't be mad" I laughed.

"I love that" he randomly said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Your laugh" he kissed my cheek.

"Stop, don't make me blush" I whined.

"Sorry" he pouted.

"It's okay, what film do you want to watch first" I asked.

"Not bothered, is there one on the tv so we don't have to get up" he chuckled.

I passed him to remote silently telling him to check.

He flicked through the channels and we saw 40 year old virgin was on then knocked up after it so we decided to watch them.

"You know I've been thinking" I said after a couple minutes.

"Oh yeah, what about?" He asked.

"The baby"

"Well I'm not surprised you've been thinking about it, it's a bit hard not to" he chuckled.

"I know, but I'm hoping that we last for a long time because I feel strongly about you and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you as well, but anyway I was thinking why don't I put your name on the birth certificate" I explained.

"What!" Harry gasped.

"What? Shit is that too much? Do you not want to be on the birth certificate" I panicked.

"No no it's not that, I'm just blown away that you want me that involved" he said.

"Of course I would, harry I want this child to call you daddy" I said honestly.

"But what about jake?" He asked.

"Harry, he told you himself, I'm yours not one else's and especially not his, just yours and this is now our baby" I smiled up at him.

He smiled back and then a tear ran down his face.

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked panicking.

"Nothing, I'm just really happy that you're willing to let me be on the birth certificate and letting your child look at me as his dad" he sniffed.

"It's my pleasure, you'll be a great dad and role model, I don't want the baby to know jakes his dad because he gets drunk all the time and gets high, I know I use to do that but I'm over it and I'm never going back, not now, my life's too good to wreck it"

"Role on to when this baby is born because I can't wait to meet him or her and start our life together as a proper family" harry smiled and connected our lips.

And in this moment I've never felt happier in my whole life.


Wow I'm doing really well with these updates over the past few days, yay me!.

Hope you liked it


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